To lose the comfort of illusions is uncomfortable and sometimes shocking. But the advantage is that the energy that is tied up to keep the illusion in place, is then made available to empower the individual. This is a time of great disillusionment. But it will retrospectively be seen as the time when humanity evolved into maturation.
Let me tell you about the uncomfortable time of my disillusionment:
I was eight and what my mother considered “too young” to have “the talk.” My friend Valdi however was a precocious thirteen. My parents kept a watchful eye on me when it was reported that a serial rapist preying on little girls, was in town. I thought I would ask Valdi what exactly that meant — after all she seemed like a “woman of the world.” She tried to explain in vain, only getting a “deer in the headlights” look from me. But then she said: “He gives them babies” and my face lit up! I had been asking my middle-aged parents for a baby brother or sister and they had been quite tactful in explaining that I was all they needed (which even to my 8-year-old self seemed mistaken since it was clear that my mother preferred my brother). She looked somewhat puzzled at my expression, but her look soon turned into absolute bewilderment when I said joyfully: “Do you mean one can get a baby for free? Or does one have to pay him? I have some money in my piggy bank!”
I ran home as fast as I could to give my parents the good news: “Mom and dad, I’m going to get us a baby.” My father looked over the edge of his newspaper. “I think it’s time for ‘the talk’,” he said to my mother. She took me into the bedroom where I listened intently as she explained the dynamics of how babies are made. She thought she was doing quite well until I blurted out in horror: “You and dad did that?!! How rude! What an unimaginative way to make a baby. You told me they came from God and I thought they came down a sunbeam from heaven and appeared in their crib?!” She turned a strange color of red. I asked if she may be mistaken, it was just so disillusioning to find out all in the same day that one has indecent parents and that babies don’t come down sunbeams. I looked accusingly at my parents for several days after that and even snuck up on them once or twice to make sure that no further indecent acts took place in our house. I assured them that I no longer thought another baby was a good idea. It occupied my mind quite a bit, but then my focus shifted to better things like planning my upcoming birthday party — my mother was a master at taking my mind off troublesome topics.
RJ Pirillo says
LOL with bittersweet tears. I love these kind of stories Almine 😀
Paul says
Hmm… a new birthing process is happening, me-thinks!
Ailsa Mclean says
It is wonderful to know that so much energy will be made available as illusions de-structure and humanity evolves into maturation!!!
Dhani says
Thank you for sharing Almine. Yes, this makes perfect sense to me. Often, I have seen humans in my environment take a step back ……when they see the look in my eyes after asking a somewhat self centered question. The answer I give is always enlightening and meant to lessen the burden of releasing illusions.
Love your mom. Brilliant story.
Vanessa says
Funny and a Great point Almine! … I remember you telling this story at a spiritual retreat.
It also makes Me recall a memory of my Mother opening the front door in front of all my friends because I was a total tomboy,
She would shout ” Vanessa get your sister and come in for your sex education”…. I wanted to run for the hills! The last thing I wanted to learn about was this,! so we would be made watch an excruciating hour or so long movie of the birds and the bees, and shown how a woman gave birth etc etc after the process….
Talk about discomfort!!!
Alexandra says
“This is a time of great disillusionment. But it will retrospectively be seen as the time when humanity evolved into maturation” – Ah yes. Much healing and growing up to do. And I truly do understand that this is why all of this destructuring on every level is happening. I get very grumpy some days because of it lol! But that is because of fear of the unknown and irritation that were still dealing with some of these beings currently. I also chuckle to myself saying: Wait until the “bad guys” leave…then the REAL work begins!. I love you all and I am so grateful you are here at this time.
Lynette Ruest says
I enjoyed this post so much! And I hope we all can look back and smile at our illusions when the truth is revealed.