A welcome letter to all those who have joined our Anchor League:
We are so happy you have joined our group. You are helping us shine a light in the darkness. It is our goal to become true way showers to a world that has lost its ability to find balance and live in contentment and peace. We are establishing these qualities in our own lives by breaking free from man’s web of complexity. By living a life of reverence and self-reliance, we come home to ourselves. Thank you for your willingness to be part of these luminous goals.
Let us know if any question arises. We have established a Board of Directors to assist in supporting our Anchor League members worldwide.
Tina Iobst, Anchor League President
What is the benefit of being part of the Anchor League to support us in living a wholesome life? Shouldn’t it be able to come naturally?
If it were an effortless accomplishment to break free from the ages of human programs of illusions, you would already have done so. It is no small matter to undo eons of programs on how life should be lived and replace it with a wholesome way of life you have forgotten. That is the reason why a support group of others with like-minded goals is helpful. Human mirrors in your environment, will not affirm and condone your new way of life. They cannot appreciate what they cannot understand. In fact, in their quest for the uniformity of a tribe, they are more likely to try and persuade you, one way or another, to conform to their worldviews.
Behavioral scientists have found: Social facilitation, or the effect of a supportive audience, creates the tendency for people to perform differently when supported by others than when alone. Compared to their performance when alone, the support of others tends to help them accomplish familiar challenges better. Much learning and self-work have gone into familiarizing yourself with the concepts that have brought you to this point of enlightenment. By supporting one another, it is now time to live these highest truths.
Are you interested in joining the League of the Anchor Ring? Click here to purchase a ring and ask for more information!
Joel says
I am aware that I come far. It isn’t easy to resist or fight all the temptations of this illusory world: lies, manipulation, mind control, stressful daily life. My biggest concerns now are how to handle my usual relationship with people who are still struggling to wake up.
Patrice says
I ordered a beautiful Anchor Ring. I already feel it attached to my heart. Its exquisite! I feel assured .
Michael says
We are not alone on this journey . Gratitude Almine and team.
Ailsa Mclean says
Thank you, beloved Almine, for your loving generosity.xxxx
Sabine says
From the first time I saw the ring on this website, I felt it calling out to me and now that I have ordered one, I can literally feel it on my finger already. It is there as a pulsating, glowing light. As of now, I can’t tell why the call has been so strong, because in general I am not much of a group person, but I am really looking forward to find out and share experiences with other Original Ones. Thank you, Almine, Tina and everybody else involved, I really appreciate your love, your courage, your dedication and last not least your work going into this project.
Dhani says
Just knowing that there is this group has helped me tremendously with a strong boost of confidence in how I approach daily life. With courage that I am on the right path! Hurray, hurray for our group going world wide!