We unlock the unknowable – not through the mind – but through the non-cognitive knowingness of the self, in between the ripples of our senses within our eternal being.
As we further traverse into the unknown and come to our own as the way-showers of the cosmos, we find that we’ve simply been lacking the right tools. The right tools are locked within our DNA. Learn about the importance of the Atlantean Angels and their ability to evolve our DNA, enabling access to its vast potential.
Is anyone using the Rhino’s gate/ The Rose DNA wheel WITH their Angel Elixir???
PATRICIA!!! I experience my Angel Elixir in the exact same way. If I don’t slow down and tune into the elixir, an irritation begins to well up in me. If I slow down and meditate with it, I feel much more physically comfortable.
Appreciation and gratitude for sharing so many beautiful things with us. I endeavor to be deeper on the “path” as your are Almine. So thank you for giving of your essense and “pure sweet truth!” Lovingly, Sky*
I have not asked for help from the Atlantean Angels I must be one? I unlock and activate people at a cellular level. In sharing my knowing it just happens as I open up and speak my truth I can see it, I can feel it, happening. The more I get out and share with others the easier it is, it just happens as I move out of the cognitive mind in conversation the cells unlock and the activation takes place and all that lies dormant with in the cell is awakened. I have to clear up some paper work from my life before I can step fully into the next dimension. It is like I have a foot in two worlds it is not all that easy, it is interesting, fun at times yet not that easy. Thank you Almine
Lorna’s comment is a comforting massage. I a Canadian lady that goes by Lorna. A walk in or simply put another star being ageless as Almine and if not similar more complete with creation? Point is we all have our agenda and benchmarks. With nothing to prove there is only awakening and I grateful for Almine having come this distance to a nuts and bolts remedy to unlock the puzzle box. The key is within all to open the lock. I can feel the energy come over my arms and body and down the spine as I type this. As the new Dawn arises the shadow is cast. May we remain aligned with the Infinite Creaton. Decades ago the Stuart Wilde referred to the Infinite. Surely the critical mass is now.
Thank you for sharing your abundance of divine wisdom
I AM glad you are here <3
this could not have answered the question I was just asking the Infinite just before I listened to this, more perfectly….
I have an angel elixir and interestingly enough shortly after I received it, it started to make me uncomfortable… listening to it as background music while engaging about daily things. I now have an idea why…in that it has a very specific purpose that requires “awareness.” It is now playing (and the top of my head feels like it’s going to pop off) and I will be continuing to listen to it over and over as instructed! I’ve had the tool all along!!!! So Grateful… Thank you!
Hmm.. Interesting.
I’ve wondered for a while what exactly these elixirs do and thought to look through testimonials to get a more concrete idea. I’ve gotten the sense there were some profound effects due to the strong reactions but couldn’t really pinpoint what it was.
I can now see why that may be. It effects us so much in the non-cognitive areas and our inner senses that we cannot always describe what’s going on but we surely can feel it. It’s also probably difficult to ‘know’ exactly what’s going since the activity may be occurring in capacities within us that were previously dormant.
I found it wonderful to hear that as you are unlocking these abilities, you are helping to unlock it in others. (pretty soon we can have a party) Thank you for sharing Patricia – I’ll be curious to hear what other nuances and inklings you may be feeling in the following weeks and months!
so well explained — how to be grateful enough?
Your comments are gratitude enough. 🙂
I like to think we all walk this path, one way or another. It helps to know that others feel the same or are enlightened in the same way when they hear information like this.
Thank you for letting us know!