Can you see if the God Merkaba plays a role in manifestation? It feels like there is a connection.
Manifestation in the truest sense of the word is the removal of illusion to expose the perfection of Infinite intent beneath the illusional appearances created by the belief systems of man. Your manifesting abilities should improve by doing the God Merkaba because you’re walking in a sacred (illusion free) space.
It is extremely viable for creating invisibility from evil intent. When activating the God Merkaba, state the intention clearly: I am invisible to all ill intent and harmful influences.
Download the God Merkaba
I have seen God and his 4 merkaba on Friday the 13th in 2016 he gave me several visions. The first a clear Pentagonal sun coming through me and another awake of a rotating sun wide awake. I saw many orbs, and men not of this world and the men always had a woman who interpreted their surroundings. They scared me but not God or his messages. I’ve seen dual realities and his messages only became clear over time. God is here in.the sky and I believe he downloaded me and I.uploaded him.those I’ve bookmarked over my life. I believe we are one now and I feel saddened, alone and at times just barely hang on… Life is really boring now knowing very few here are worthy of saving.
EXCELLENT reminder…
>~~~> I am invisible to all ill intent and harmful influences <~~~<
I am unable to download the ebook of God Merkaba. Is anyone else having difficulty with this?
Thank you. Blessings.
In my experience with God Merkhaba, I find that it accelerates my thoughts and emotions in ways that it affects my assemblage point and the way I experience my reality. So in a way my intentions within this field of hope which I create everyday has really enriched the quality of my life and how I experience whatever comes my way.
It is a gift beyond measure for by simply setting the stage with high intention, the vibration of thoughts and emotions are accelerated within this God Merkaba vehicle and we begin to effortlessly attract pleasant outcomes. The Time Map in particular has heightened this process for now the Intentions or Mantras are like standing waves, which hold the reality so much more effortlessly than ever before.
I love the fact that I no longer have to focus or think about what I want to manifest, as in a particular outcome but instead I simply feel it in my heart and my body through my inner and outer senses all that feels good and brings me joy and happiness and then vois la, the most perfect magical outcome appears, the joy of having co-created with infinite intent comes as a child bursting in laughter.
I am invisible to all intent intent? I assume you mean invisible to all evil intent. ? ?