What answers does the new 2017 Timemap provide?
A) Fields of Reality
By overlaying the catalyst on top of your Timemap, you can see that it is divided into eight sections. These sections indicate layers within a specific reality (called fields). This indicates what area of your life you should be changing, elevating, or is being emphasized that day.
The sections, as indicated by the Catalyst, are:
1. (The Field of Arkbar) Romantic Partner
The first of the eight Extraordinary Meridians (The Ren May Meridian) is dominant. Use the Arabian Nights alchemical oil blend as indicated in the Eight Meridian oil set.
2. (The Field of Uhut) Family and Friends
The second of the eight Extraordinary Meridians (The Yin Qiao Mai Meridian) is dominant. Use the Blue Lagoon blend.
3. (The Field of Plihar) Resources and money
The third of the eight Extraordinary Meridians (The Du Mai Meridian) is dominant. Use the Lily alchemical oil.
4. (The Field of Prutbar) Relationship with yourself
The fourth Extraordinary Meridian (The Yang Quao Mai Meridian) is dominant. Use the Luxor blend.
5. (The Field of Mesenut) Emotions and Dreamtime
The fifth Extraordinary Meridian (The Chong Mai Meridian) is dominant. Use the Papyrus Blend.
6. (The Field of Sklivet) Release of Programs
The sixth of the Extraordinary Meridians (The Yin Wei Mai Meridian) is dominant. Use the Magnolia alchemical oil.
7. (The Field of Harasut) The Mystical and Hidden Realms
The seventh Extraordinary Meridian (The Dai Mai Meridian) is dominant. Use the Hathor Blend.
8. (The Field of Mistel) Spiritual Evolution
The eighth of the Extraordinary Meridians (The Yang Wei Mar Meridian) is dominant. Use the Secret of Nefertiti Blend.
Clearing the 8 Extraordinary Meridians of the Body→
For further refinement of information in a specific field, use the corresponding Rune set for that day’s field.
B. Dominant Subpersonality
The dominant Subpersonality involved in creating graceful change for your day:
This is indicated by the letters a, b, c, or d appended to the number of the day.
Additional information:
This year is unique in that every day is a “day out of time”. This means that every day we are accessing and living from four different realities at once. Life will seem very surreal and dream-like.
C. Stage of Change
The line through the day that travels to the outer rim of the Timemap (and extends a bit beyond it), is numbered from 1-4. This indicates what stage of change your day will be undergoing: (see Journey to the Heart of God, the Stages of Change)
• Transformation
• Transmutation
• Transfiguration
• Transcendence
Additional information:
On a day of transformation, for instance, doing symbolical acts of transformation (like cleaning out your closet of unwanted items) can lessen the need for larger forced changes. It helps the future unfold gracefully.
Symbolical acts hold great power. Store your Timemap on top of the cosmic map as a symbolical act that you are cooperating with the unfolding of Infinite Intent.
The Timemap is a very advanced Mystical tool for masters. Spend a bit of time to get to know it. This year’s Timemap builds in what you learnt in mastering last year’s map – a trend I believe that will continue next year.
Celeste says
Thank you so much Almine for sharing this. My inner child feels hope that there is a way to wholeness through your teachings. Blessings and thank you.
Wendy Macdonald says
Delight-filled Praise for this glorious gift and the privilege to be receiving opens a wellspring of Appreciation,Gratitude, Love, as devoted I am to being the embodiment of Immortal Glory and will expand evermore into an expression of luminous Glory.Thank-you Almine for the tireless flowing forth of all that seems to be endless supply flowing through you from Source for the benefit of All…Thank-you, Rogier and the ATeam for every moment of assistance you so loving provide for Almine. I am humming a joy-filled tune as the unfolding journey continues…
Zen says
Thank you Almine and Team
Zen says
you Almine and Team. I think I have the jist of it, have been studying it since I recieved it ha, which I thank you for. Best Wishes to All. Zen.
Lynette says
Thank you for this info. I have several questions re: new timemap. If you have 2 vertical lines in a day that both end in a number outside of rim of timemap which one is the correct one for that day? Day One also has many verticals ending in numbers 1-4. I am confused as to which line to follow for that day.
2016-17 Timemap created an incredible journey and I am keeping all printouts for that Timemap in binders as it means so much to me. Anticipation grows each day to start the new Timemap as well. Thank you Almine and Team Almine for bringing this to us.
Malene says
Thank you
Could you please add more about what set of Runen I can work with in a specific field