The Seer answered several questions about how the Field of Intent functions on Timemap 2019 that begins February 5.
On the rim of the Timemap, Days that designate the Field of Intent (letter I) have a circle around them. What is the significance?
The Seer:
The days that have a line that ends with a circle, are days with new lessons and insights to gain, not karma accrued from the past cycles.
There are no Days designated as I4 (letter I, number 4); for example, Fields D and A have a number 4. Is there special significance to this?
The Seer:
“Know yourself as the origin of your mirrored environment. Release the need to pacify or fear any of the mirror images around you. You are the only real being in your existence.”
This realization was a very pertinent realization of the fourth stage of Awakening(A4). In fact, without it we could not advance into the Field of Intent. If in your day, you need to be reminded of this, it will appear as an A4.
When in the Field of Intent, the challenge during all of its stages, is less one of knowing the world around you to be an unreal mirrored image, but of knowing that you’re not; that you’re timeless and real.
The fourth stage of the Field of Intent is not noted on your Timemap, because it is something quite different. It is not a puzzle piece (like all the other stages mentioned), but it is the whole puzzle; it is not a separate stage, but the revelation of a unified field underlying the illusion of the atomic reality. It is the Doorway to the Field of the One.
Dhani says
Wowsers!! That’s the I4 level where our Angelgods were invoked. thank you for this clear insight!
Vanessa says
Thankyou Almine,
My left thigh had a visceral response whilst reading this , a feeling like a dissolving or vibrational shift in a small area of the thigh
Dhani says
Jan says
Please check this Diary post for the answer to Christel’s (and others!) question about Timemap Day 1:
Day One is a Very Holy Day of the Timemap
christel says
many thanks… still the question: how to handle day one with so many lines spreading in all directions. or follow just the line that ends to the right side of the arrow?
Anna says
Wow thank you.