The fifth installment of our ongoing series of the seven supporting attitudes of ascension is that of self-reliance. You can read our previous post regarding such an attitude -poise- here. If you are particularly interested in the topic of ascension, you might want to check out our new free online course Pathway of Ascension.
Great gains in self–reliance have been made during the last 25 to 30 years, in large part as the result of an escalating de-structuring of family life. For every loss there is a gain, and in this instance both men and women have been plunged into single parent units where they have had to play many roles and often find at the end of a weary day that the only nurturing afforded them will have to be self-nurturing.
Furthermore, there is no one to fight their battles and after bitter lessons they may also be fortunate enough to stumble onto the great truth that has separated genius from mediocrity; that no one can advise us on a course of action – not even the angels themselves. They can only illuminate eternal truths as guiding lights upon our way. Our paths, unique only to us, lie on an uncharted course and the compass is found in the higher wisdom whispered through the promptings of our hearts. Then suddenly one day, a starkly revealed truth emerges and we realize that our being is our sustenance.
Such a realization is indeed the very foundation of self-reliance. It is only the beginning, however, for the edifice to be built upon it takes the painstaking effort of casting off the enslavement of social conditioning and laying the bricks of original thought moment by luminous moment.
Original thought does not ask whether the world can understand it, for its origin is the heart of God and to enter there, linear and superficial thought must be left at the gate. The world wallows in conformity and society favors mediocrity over greatness. To ask for either its understanding or its approval is to sound the death knell to originality. The eagle that has seen the whole valley from the higher thermals above, attempting to mingle with the flocks of birds on the ground would find only rejection. For the pigeons know that in the presence of the eagle, their own lack of sight is made all the more apparent.
Relinquishing either the need to please or the need to have others conform to our expectations creates a sovereignty and peace of mind. It would be as though, instead of walking around with an umbilical cord that we are trying to plug into another, we were to plug it back into ourselves. We would find ourselves then as our own source of strength and nurturing, self-supporting and self-referring for approval.
To such a one, life may bring what it will, for nothing can rob or erode their greatest treasure… the peace of mind inner sovereignty brings.
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