(…See our post of September 26, 2015 Merging the Masculine (Vertical) and Feminine (Horizontal), which also discusses Easter Island, Restoring Balance through the Teeth and Original Ones here...)
The language used for restoring balance through the teeth has a very interesting origin: It comes from Easter Island, during a time when the Ancient Holy Ones (known as the Original Ones) lived in a small colony among the natives of Easter Island. When they were getting ready to leave, native artists (using the Original Ones’ stone cutting implements and techniques) created this form of writing on the large statues of Easter Island to commemorate their stay there and to remind them to return. Their writing disappeared as they left.
The Easter Island Statues seem large, but their bodies are to be found beneath the ground. So they’re much larger than people think … This represents the grandeur, or majesty, of the Original Ones.
Question: Were the stones large due to the language on them and their acting as capacitors/transducers/transmitters to broadcast the frequency of the language?
Almine’s Answer: No, there was no language on them. Each represented an Original One. There music still tells the story of the Ancient Ones who kept catastrophes from happening to the Earth. Their mission to act as lightening rods for the Earth was in part bestowed on these statues through ceremony and empowerment through intent. In other words, they were intended to keep the islanders safe. They did this for millennia until people forgot that they were holy and desecrated them (exposed them to disruptive frequencies).
Dhani says
What a beautiful reminder for the Original Ones. 🙂
They have excavated some of the statues, showing the large bodies attached to the heads. Might have seen it in National Geographic???
Anna says
When I read this I felt such deep love in heart for the Ancient Ones/the Original Ones….may they bring forth the majesty and glory to our beloved Earth and to humanity. With reverence to All life and beholding the deep beauty that is unfolding now. Thank you beloved Almine for your guiding presence and divine compassion and to my light family that are eternally walking the path of Mastery I love you. xo 🙂
Kelly Wilmeth says
Almine as always I am so appreciative for all that you express. You are loved and revered beyond what words can convey. May we keep catastrophes from happening and restore balance, love and compassion to the earth.