My Precious Lightfamily,
Those among humanity who will survive this century, are those who cease to resist life and who have mastered the quality of fluidity.
Here are a few practical suggestions for living life on a hotter planet:
- Keep your curtains closed to keep your living spaces cool.
- Stay hydrated. That means that you add at least a bottle of water to your regular water intake.
- If your work requires physical labor in the outdoor heat, start your day at dawn, and come inside to rest during the hottest time of the day. Heat exhaustion is a very unpleasant experience.
- Wear a hat or a cap in the sun. Here are a few reasons why: Your most susceptible and vulnerable place to heat is the top of your head, specifically, and your skull in general. Place a small ice pack on top of your head; under your hat.
- Before going to bed, place a few plastic bottles of water in the freezer (to freeze solid overnight) and let them melt during the day. This provides you with a steady supply of ice water. They can also be used as a cold pack against the back of your neck or your forehead.
- Drink hibiscus tea. It is used in the tropics to help you perspire which cools the body down.
- Loose clothing is much cooler than skimpy and tight clothing. It is mistakenly thought that exposing the skin is a way to stay cool. But the loose robes worn by middle Eastern desert dwellers are more effective in keeping the heat away from the body.
- Beware of being in a body of water (like a lake, etc) during the midday hours. The sun’s rays are amplified by the reflection on the water.
- Stay away from heavy carbs, alcohol, and greasy foods. Eating a diet of 80% raw foods will help your body cope better.
- City dwellers must wear good sunblock and sunglasses to protect themselves from the intense heat produced by the reflection of windows in skyscrapers and the heat trapped in between buildings in city streets. The effect of reflective glass skyscrapers on birds has been documented to cause dead birds to fall from the sky.
- Pamper yourself through scorching times. Feeling cool and at home on the planet begins within. The fragrances of rose and lavender are psychologically soothing, as are cool, fresh cotton sheets on your bed.
- Take frequent hydrating breaks in your schedule.
~ The Seer Almine
*The Seer recommends the following alchemical fragrance oils:
Just wondering if anybody knows whether it will be balanced or polar opposites; whether the winter’s will be colder, or perhaps more temperate? This will make for the rise of some new and interesting drought / heat tolerant vegetation.
Thank you Almine.
I had a realization about this…I would like to ask if this is the Earth’s “burning off” the old building blocks of life~ Atomic Matter? “A Hotter Planet”… I know many of us, myself included have for a few years, and probably still doing it, burning inside, an inside fever so to speak, which I recall you have described as burning off old matter in its old state, like a hot fever. This would make “sense” since the OO’s have been burning off atomic matter for a while, as the old building blocks of life are being replaced by the “soap” type bubbles/spheres of the 12 new tones of existence (given as our light explosions)…Is this our outer realities (as a collective) aligning and manifesting our inner space reality, our intent?… Is the Earth aligning herself to us and the white light reality perhaps? I do wonder.
Thank you Almine.
I remember Almine saying there are layers to the tube torus. I was thinking that we have moved through all 12 layers of the outer tube torus (Exiting the last layer of the outer edge completely in July 2021) and now we are moving into the INNER 12 layers of the tube torus?. Oh boy lol! Mabye? Mabye not.
Anyhow. I’m sure our scientists will figure out a way with the help of the OO’s to mitigate these climate changes.
Alex……..my understanding of the teachings brought to us by our Beloved Almine!
There are in fact 20 Fields of Existence, the first 12 that pertain to our Light Explosion Protocol…….the remaining 8 are of Inner Space, the Cardinal points of Inner Space. The 12 Ordinary meridian oils are that of the first 12 Fields and the 8 Extra-ordinary are that of Inner Space. At least this has been my understanding. Maybe, and I don’t claim to know, the names, colors, qualities, etc. will be given for the remaining 8 Fields of Existence~~~~~~~~
Ah ha! Thank you Wendy!
My Precious Lightfamily,
Those among humanity who will survive this century, are those who cease to resist life and who have mastered the quality of fluidity.- I’m not sure how to interpret this. Are a lot of people going to starve to death? Odd thing to happen after a second resurrection. I am a single person and this doesn’t make me too celebratory to live. She’s been using the word “survive” a lot of I think it’s gonna be nothing but struggle until people figure out how to “survive”. Oh how I wish for some very GOOD news for us for once.
The only reason I’m replying is, because I ‘want’ Almine to keep us informed about the current state of reality whatever it is. I get the feeling Almine is holding back on us as it is, because she doesn’t want to be called a fearmonger.
I want the good AND the bad. If the state of the world keeps getting worse, I’d rather hear it than get caught offguard. If the next step in existence means a difficult time of survival… then so it will be. The world doesn’t change based on the news she presents us, she just says it as it is. As for good news… the Earth just survived, so it’s not all bad. Being an OO is tough for sure, but think small steps, one foot in front of the other.
I’ve been feeling this for a while now, but I get the feeling Almine presents us with the whole truth or a watered down version based on what she feels among the OO’s.
This is very interesting …..especially after the Earth’s 2nd resurrection………..Deep gratitude as always
Thank you Almine!💜🙏