This Power Sigil is a free gift from a precious anonymous member of our Lightfamily.
This sigil seems a bit disturbing to look at at first, that is because it is designed to remove great density existing amongst humanity. It is unresolved areas of density and base living that cause chaotic destructuring. For peaceful change to come about, these have to be removed.
The words mean: Becoming a proxy for all life by acknowledging innocence.
There are Seven Angelgods:
If the sigil is a tool for removing the density among humans, where does the chaos and density go once it’s sucked through by the sigil?
The Seer:
This is the gift of the demonic realms that is often ignored: demons embody the density that would otherwise overwhelm the Earth. They are locked away in the Underworld. In this case, the gross darkness of men is so aggravated that it will be embodied by a demon in the Lower Underworld.
Note from the Seer:
I found this sigil’s energy a bit disturbing. But after completing it, I felt an immediate lifting of dense energy. It would be useful to place copies of this sigil in areas of the house where there is anger, fear, or where someone is experiencing nightmares. If there is a member of your household that accesses pornography or does gaming with a lot of violence, those areas would benefit from this sigil too. It can be placed out of sight by putting it under a desk or under mattresses or chairs.
Click here to download the pdf
Click here to download the png
Power Sigils For The Earth-Christmas Gifts
Thank you to Tina, Almine, and the Donor!
Gratitude, Love, Praise, Trust through the Eternal Perspective, and Great Glad Expectations!
Immense gratitude to the one who gifted this and thank you Beloved Almine for bringing this to us all.
I am so grateful for this very significant sigil
This one is going to be really great, and a much welcome addition to my “Wall of Sigil” Thanks to anyonymous
Thank You for such a gift. This Sigil’s power is palpable and so timely. I have become aware of a deep rage that has grown within me as the noose of mandates becomes ever tighter. I am so angry about it all! I weep for the children…This Sigil and all the tools we have been given are our life savers. With Deep Love and Blessings
I am deeply grateful to the donor and Almine for this needed and timely gift! Thank You LPGTH
Thank you for this incredible Gift! My love, praise and gratitude to Beloved Almine, the Lightfamily member that has requested it, and of course to Tina for posting it!!!!
My Love, Praise and deep Gratitude for this yet another very precious Gift that has come our way. Thank You. And to dear Almine also, and Tina – for the posting of this.
Thank you for your gift.
My first impression was what a fantastic looking sigil and then a feeling of lightness.
Thank you so much for this precious gift. It is very timely!
With blessings of LPGTH.
Very important sigil at this juncture in time, I believe. Thank you to the contributor; may they be blessed for their generosity. Thank you always to Almine. I had a sense of lightness and relief after calling the angelgods to “power it up”.
Wow! This sigil is quite powerful. I repeatedly called the Angel Gods (mostly to say the names properly initially) By acknowledging innocence, you acknowledge the perfection of everything. It’s all happening for a very specific reason. The universe brings nothing but gifts or lessons. And by FEELING that. Perceiving that at a deeper level(not just acknowledging that at a surface cognitive level but REALLY feeling it at a deeper level then I feel that’s what needed for this powersigil to work more efficiently.
It’s like when you’re lying in bed and this overwhelming FEELING comes over and you say to yourself “OH MY GOD YES! OFCOURSE THIS IS ALL HAPPENING FOR THIS REASON!. You FEEL therefore acknowledge the innocence and the greater purpose behind the chaos and confusion.
Thank you for the power sigil.
I am having fun today pondering how do Ange Gods work. If Angels are like the capacitors to store the charge, like a “battery”, what the Angel Gods are like? Because once you place a battery into lets say a flash light, it lights up the environment. I am wondering if Angel Gods put the stored energy to use?
Love, praise, gratitude, trust, and hope to you!
Thank you so much!
Wow, this feels like the answer to a fervent prayer. Thank you so so much. I am living with another person that is having a relapse into substance abuse beginning January 6–I once believed that I could heal it and others, but it feels like for lack of better terms, an entity attachment or something else in addition to addiction. (I vaguely recall Almine said that heavy metals attract hostile entities from other dimensions.) Anyhow, I have a feeling I should see the innocence here and this may be a karmic lesson that hasn’t yielded its insight or I haven’t incorporated. I have been able to hold compassion at times, at best. Any suggestions for cultivating an attitude of innocence? Can a sigil alone do this? In the midst of a specific harrowing events, I am getting triggered into fear and powerlessness and have had a difficult time perceiving innate innocence. Thanks.
Hi Evelyn: You could use “The 99 Tones of Pure Innocence,” to assist you!
Thanks so much for the suggestion—I will order these.
What is the difference between downloading the PDF and the PNG?
MUCH MUCH gratitude for this Beloved one!.
Hi Alex, a PNG is a photo format. Very useful to transfer to your USB key and make as many postcard size copies as you like, inexpensively at the supermarket. Or an enlargement to frame.
It can also be inserted into a simple Word doc where you have written out the meaning, uses and Angel Gods.
The PDF can be printed out at home but would use a lotta ink! And on ordinary typing paper.
Thank you dear light-sister or brother, you must be more awed than all others by the result of your intuitively guided commission
Thank you Almine
Wondering how to ‘Send’ this to someone living in a heavy Institutional environment. And a nephew who lives in BC where weed is legal. He has a dense foggy aura.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! So very very grateful!

with love, gratitude and appreciation,
I’m deeply grateful for this gift, thank you!
amazing thank you very much it will hellp in the enviroment in my house and everyware.
We are blessed by it . Blessings to You. And many thanks for Almine who made this possible.
Thank you for the generous divine gift!
This is amazing Almine. Thank you and thank you Tina for posting. Thanks also to whoever commissioned it. Joanne
My utmost gratitude and Appreciation for this wonderful Gift of Divine Love
Thank you so much for this

Thank you!
Nice! I like it!
What’s the name of the demon that is embodying the chaos and density?