This Sigil of Power is an anonymous free gift from a Beloved LightSister.
Meaning of the words and sigils:
The Pranic Tube of the Earth.
“Though under the depths they lie, ancient temples filled with power yet exist, unseen by all but the denizens of the deep. The most powerful temple of all, the feminine pole of the Earth’s pranic tube, in direct line with the Egyptian red stair-step pyramid — the masculine pole of the Earth’s pranic tube, lies the temple of the goddess Ha-Ute. This temple of which we speak protects the Merpeople and the deep sea creatures that shine in the night (Seer’s Note: huge unknown creatures that have bioluminescence). It is said that as long as man honors the goddess archetypes, and lives the wisdom that they represent, the temple of Ha-Ute will keep the earth steady upon its axis, that the ocean shall wash over the lands no more.”
The Seer’s Note:
The temple of Ha-Ute is situated under the water to the South West off the coast of Maui.
Ha-Ute is the goddess that guides mariners and Merpeople and sea life migrations of creatures of the ocean.
Ha-Ute is the goddess of marine migration and navigation.
The Angelgods:
~ The Seer Almine
Download the sigil’s information here
🌊🦋🌊Thank you!🌊🦋🌊
Same here. I thought the Mer People had shown themselves to be non life-enhancing and had been de-individuated back into the ocean of oneness – or whatever that ocean is called.
Dearest Tina,
Just as Joanne as said, I also recall clearly, our Beloved Almine speaking of the “Mer Clans” as being no more. They had great hatred for the Human Race, and caused them much hardship, is what I recall. Please let us know if this is still so.
Love and big hugs
What a beautiful power sigil with the blue ocean. My stomach feels so much better now that I am working with this p. sigil. Gratitude to all and dearest Almine.
Hi Tina. Thank you for this. I seem to recall Almine saying a number of years ago that the mer people were gone through their magic was retained. Has that situation changed/ have they been remade pristinely?
Thank you for posting xxx
Joanne 🌺
Absolutely Amazing information revealed here. My humble appreciation and acknowledgement of the Goddess Ha-Ute.