This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Family member.
Meaning of the words:
From this hardship let a new grassroots culture begin. Let a new self-sufficiency and a unity between neighbors be born. Let anger and self-pity be replaced by wholesome living and compassion. Let gratitude bring strength and restore self-respect.
Let not pity be their gift from the privileged, but admiration. Let their choices bring freedom rather than addiction.
The Angelgod:
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Much gratitude for the request for this sigil. What a gift !
Thank you to the Light family member for requesting this and to Beloved Almine for bringing through all the power sigils we’ve been receiving for over a year now.
This one applies to me so a personal thank you for the divine timing of this.
It applies to me to. Thank you to Almine and Lightfamily member.
and me
This sigil is sooo beautiful. No dark spots. Is this the first one created, post Ceremony to Remove Repressive Matrices…..
Indeed no black spots! Thank you for pointing this out 😊🙏
Strength to those that are going through the challenge of living without a home.
May you receive that which you are longing for, and the love and kindness from your environment.
Blessings and love to you.
This is such welcome news!!! GRATITUDE dear one!
Wonderful insights and blessings. THANK YOU.
Thank you for this Powersigil What with the high increase in rents that has been happening lately mine included it makes people far more susceptible to becoming homeless Well that’s what’s happening in Australia and we are seeing more and more people living in their cars So thank you so much for this wonderful gift Much Love to All. Zen
Thank You to the Dear One who commissioned this for the homeless. Thank You Seer for Your blessings for those who are lost and in deep need of comfort and hope.
I imagine this encompasses those who are in slums, shanty-towns, refugees and those sleeping on the streets. The children and the young people and the disenfranchised, may circumstances conspire to engender ingenuity and creative exploration of their surroundings to find self-empowerment and may they not be blinded by addictions and base temptations to escape their pain. May the Angelgod Mechvanenesvu walk hand in hand with them and bring them hope. May this also be as a proxy for all those who live in hopelessness. Amen🌈
Beautiful words Ginette. Thank you.
Thank you
This is beautiful. Thank you xx Joanne 🌺
💖💛🧡Thank you!🧡💛💖
Bring on the tiny home communities and gardens!