This power sigil is a free gift from an anonymous, Beloved Lightfamily member.
The meaning of the words:
“Forests are the shamanic symbol for hope in the hearts of many. If the forests thrive, so does hope fill the hearts of mankind. Call upon the Angelgods to heal the forests from pollution from acid rain and polluted soil and water. Heal them by proxy, by filling your awareness with all that is beautiful and inspiring. Seek out the elegance of nature.“
The Angelgods:
Click here to download PDF
Click here to download PNG
Click here to download the sigil’s information PDF
The Akuratas doing their part with vigor and stealth!
Thank you for this gorgeous sigil. What a precious gift.
Thank you so much!
I see myself floating above the forests brushing the tips of leaves!
Wide brush strokes……
Who am i ???
Such rattling joy!
Praise on high!
So beautiful ❤️
Gratitude for this beautiful power sigil. 🙂
Now, we just need one to return the demons in the African forests, back to where they came from (the underworld) and resume their original job of embodying chaos.
Thank you so much to the One who ordered this Power Sigil! I will use it in conjunction with the Earth Angels BVP that I do everyday for same intention.
Has there been a Power Sigil for Portugal?
I don’t think so…but check the list. Tina has provided a list, with links, to all the free power Sigils on the Diary. Although there are other Sigils on the OO site.
Hi Jane, There is no power sigil for Portugal.