This Power Sigil is a free gift from an anonymous Beloved Lightfamily member.
The words mean:
Innocence is restored through communion with nature
The small writing says:
To right a wrong, judges and divides
To acknowledge wholeness, uplifts all.
The Angelgod for the restoration of innocence: Bruhanenestu.
The Seer’s Notes:
“ Within the silence of the mind, all things are possible. The silent mind is born of surrendered trust. “
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Much Gratitude and infinite blessings.
To the beautiful One who graciously gifted this very Sacred Power Sigil …… much Love and deep Gratitude.
Thank you lovely lightfamily member.
This is beautiful.
💞🌸💗🌸💞Thank you so much Dearest One 🤗💞🌸💗🌸💞
I was thinking of innocence yesterday, then had some lovely communion with nature… then came straight to see this post and Sigil. Thank you.
Thank you so very very grateful!
Much love and appreciation!
Many thanks for this wonderful gift LPGTH
Deep gratitude for this!
I wonder if there is significance pertaining to the 13 oils, The plan in place that Oxanohuratep told Almine about, The DNA ceremony that is going to “close the doors” from any further infiltration from the past, present and future?.
Had a dream about Dragunak last night. I kept saying his name and I saw his eye as I was calling his name. I had a feeling as I was saying his name to not say it unless I had a very specific intent for doing so. Not sure what it means.
Thank you
Is there an Angel God for this sigil?
Hi Troy, yes, there is. Thanks for pointing this out! The Angelgod for the restoration of innocence: Bruhanenestu.