The Healing Modality of Enlightenment The literal translation of Kaanish Belvaspata is the cosmic proxy Belvaspata. This unique form of Belvaspata*, representing the high mind, has come forth to be used by qualified practitioners of Belvaspata at all levels. The level I and level II Belvaspata masters represent the healing of the sub-conscious or low… Continue reading→
Healing Family
Recently, Almine was asked about suggestions for healing a broken family. This is her reply. My beloved sister, Since suggestions have not been forthcoming for your very touching question that has been waiting for a response, I’d like to jump in. The following methods have proven to be very successful for those that have walked… Continue reading→
Ascension in the Realms
We recently received some questions from one of our online students on the Art of Dreaming course that we felt were of interest to many. We post them here with thanks to Nimue Chwyfleian for sending them to us. Q. We recently received some information on the Realms of Arulu on the Art of… Continue reading→
Gathering of the Lightfamily
Join us live tonight from our bi-weekly light family gathering at 8:00 PM EST ( May 26). Tonight we share a special transmission from Almine … Several light family guests will join us including one who will share her profound experiences with the Oi-Vesta, a manifestation device of High Alchemy brought forth by Almine.
Wisdom of the Soul
Vaarabuch mishet mananuk alesta prubesva iklet branustach vabrish harusat. Like the endless heavings of the ocean, life ebbs and flows. Foolishly we value the flow but not the ebb. It is through complete trust that the motion of the ocean becomes a lullaby and its waves a joyous refrain.
Alchemy Power Source
~ Excerpt from the Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death, The Power Source of the Alchemists “When the mazes formed, blindness was born. Man could no longer see the Embodiment of the Infinite Being.” Registration starts soon ~
Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death
“Ravenous for the black waters of life, which can only be drawn with the voice, many speak but say nothing… To speak from the shallow cup of the little self, depletes our supply. To communicate from the well-spring of existence feeds immortality…” An excerpt from our June online course, Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death… Continue reading→
Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease
Q. I have a question about the healing of chronic disease program in Almine’s book*. It is said that each of the 3 phases (for the homeopathics) will last one and one-half months. It is also said to use 2 bottles of each remedy during a phase. But experience has proven that 2 bottles will… Continue reading→
Healing Systemic and Chronic Disease
We are proud to announce several new products for you! Use the link below to access our purchase site. An information-filled 2 hour audio lecture by Almine…this information is a vital key to wellness that is not to be missed. How to Facilitate the Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease as MP3 download
Irash Satva Yoga
We are proud to announce several new products for you! Use the link below to visit the store: