Shelley Franklin and Jeanne Temple interview Sandra Pasqualini about the inspiring way she incorporates Almine’s teachings into her daily life. This interview is from the radio show, The Gathering of the Light Family which airs every Saturday at 5pm PST/8pm EST.
Spiderwebs – A Personal Message To You From Almine
My dear family of light, For many years we have been working on thinning and counteracting the creation of matrices that lie like spiderwebs over a Rembrandt painting. A very huge shift was made in this regard during this weekend’s Amsterdam retreat that you could be feeling in your bodies as heat around the spine and energy flushes throughout. We… Continue reading→
Poise – Crowning Glory Of A Life Well Lived
The fourth of our seven supporting attitudes of ascension is poise. The Majesty of Poise The calm poise detected in masters of power is the culmination of a lifetime of discipline and the unconditional surrender to the unfolding of life. It is the crowning glory of a life well lived; a life in which the… Continue reading→
Creating Our Own Tyrants
When limitation enters our lives, in that moment we have also created our tyrants. Desire arises from an attempt to find a lost song. Our heart’s desires indicate where we need to express. Life supplies the one who knows his limitless bounty. Focusing on lack increases it. The illusion of identity seeks to perpetuates itself by affirming… Continue reading→
The Restoration Of Ancient High Shamanism – A Retreat With Almine
A spiritual retreat with Almine in the beautiful Canadian wilderness. High Shamanism at its best! Experience shamanism with Almine in the mystical location called “The Land of Spirits”, location of the most ancient rocks on Earth! June 24 – June 28 A 5-day Retreat from Friday through Tuesday Please note: Early-bird registration ends on 24th… Continue reading→
The Fluidly Reforming Life
Almine is on the top of her game in this episode of the Awakening from the Dream radio show! What does the attitude of praise do? What are the newest insights into power and perception? What lies beyond the states of immortality and incorruptibility? Enjoy the many insights and learn what you can do to set… Continue reading→
Grace – Becoming The Mountain And The Drum
The third in our series of the 7 supporting attitudes for ascension -grace-, speaks of a master who no longer opposes life, but is in full cooperation with it. So much so that you can no longer distinguish between the two. The Attitude of Grace As the surfer becomes the wave and the skier becomes the mountain, as a… Continue reading→
Angels Of Surrender To The Infinite
To make this a weekend to remember today we will post the three primary Archangels of surrender to the Infinite. You can call upon them to assist you and ask them to send the legions of angels tasked for this specific subject to aid you. The names of these three primary Archangels are: Aralechvisba Kilisutpelsba… Continue reading→
The Exquisite Revelation
The goal of existence eternally changes, yet it changes not. All roads lead to the exquisite revelation of the self as the One Life. Unfortunately, this will be the last post with some of the insights, sigils and glyphs of the Ananu for some time. We hope you have enjoyed these entries over the past few weeks…. Continue reading→
The Deeper Mysteries of the Angels – Christmas Retreat
The Angels of the Menerech 24 Archangels that guard the shield of fire that separates the angels from the fallen angels This is just in! Especially for the holidays, an angelic experience with Almine in Newport, Oregon! December 5 – December 9, 2011 A 5-day retreat from Monday through Friday with Almine in her beautiful… Continue reading→