Overwhelm is a Choice 04/21/2012
In this very practical episode of Awakening, we go into the issue of overwhelm. How do you keep your inner silence when faced with too much work, too much urgent issues that have to be taken care of and too much things that are screaming for your attention? Marc, Rogier and Niels investigate. Almine joins us with three audio clips, among which is a detailed explanation of the Silence Retreat that is upcoming in Killarney in June. At the end of the show, Marc takes us down the rabbit hole by reciting two incantations for rejuvenation. A very interesting and practical show.
1st post of today.
Rei says
Such is the energy in the air ~ This afternoon my housemate commented on the common response by people around her to feeling overwhelmed. I responded that we can carry on dramatizing what we are met with or we can choose to pause, breathe in and metabolize what is arising so we may best meet matters at hand. I have these moments and sometimes tears arise for the pressure is needing to release ~ than it is gone and I breathe in and feel the greater peace that allows me to focus to the moment ~ It is a choice … a very powerful one to embrace in these times of “quickening” … a choice to breathe and be thy breath ~ Merci! xx
Niels says
Hmmm… something to learn for me here still…
Thank you for sharing, Rei.
Team Almine