My son has felt very discouraged about our failing to materialize the Holy Cities. The people from the Inner Earth never appeared and we didn’t take up residence in the outer rim of cosmic life, which would have raised life to a heavenly level. Does this mean that during another try in the future we’ll make it?
Almine’s answer:
There is no such thing as failure. Especially when we meticulously and with devotion follow instructions given by the Infinite through miraculous revelation. So, let’s look at why those things didn’t happen and what would have happened if they did.
- The work we did to participate in establishing the Holy Cities, awakened the Infinite’s “mind”. Each city, like a holy presence about a specific continent, created an awakening of awareness. This very importantly prevented us from remaining stuck in cycles of ascension / descension, which would have caused the really depressing situation of plummeting us back into the Dark Ages over and over again. Secondly it changed the future of those countries so that the 27 year long global wars didn’t happen. Conclusion? We did our task as the Sacred Government by governing through self-governing.
- The people of the Inner Earth have managed to achieve more balance and innocence through keeping life simple and rural. They have maintained a better relationship with nature. As numerous as they are, by staying away from the corruption of our materialism, they have helped keep the Earth stable on its axis during 2012. They have prevented other global catastrophies as well. This has assisted the major lightworkers to stay stable inwardly while facing external hardships.
- If we had our way in splitting realities and having the Earth move to another spatial location with higher consciousness, all species would have moved with us except the bulk of humanity. They would have been left behind on a desolate planet and millions would have suffered and died – they just couldn’t make the shift. Solution? We bring Heaven to Earth by living among them, in their reality, but not of their reality. This elevates life for all by our being Sacred Government through self-government. At no time is there any reason to “dumb down”. The challenge is to shine in brilliance among men and not be dragged into their level of life. In 2013 such a god-reality was established to help us keep stable and steady in our creation of Heaven on Earth.
Jeanette says
In deep gratitude, Thank You infinitely, Almine.
margitte says
Thank you Almine for explain this.
It gives so much back to me.
Lot of love
Rose says
As someone who has many memories of past lives and many confirmations from so many mediums of past achievements and wisdom, And someone who speaks on behalf of animals, I know with certainty that animals never ever ever conceived of or bought into this incredibly inhumane slaughter of their species…. they are experiencing, in estimates of 2 billion inhumane deaths per day to feed the jowls of humans, in which many are skinned, boiled and cut open alive,
These animals spirits suffer and even die from the incredible torture they experience and I work on behalf of their souls. Their spirits become mutiliated. It is sickening beyond grief. If there was a way for th to ascend they would. They do not stay on behalf of humanities love or light.
Wendy says
Rose……many species have endured endless suffering and pain, humanity included. If humanity was unable to make the shift what better way could there be other than to bring Heaven to Earth?
beverly j welbourne says
Yes I agree that the issue of massive animal suffering must be addressed, for their sake and also for the sake of human ascension. Awakened persons do not inflict such suffering on fellow sentient beings. Thus we can see how very much of humanity is not yet awakened.
Thank you, Rose, for your work and awareness in this field.
Cheryl says
What a beautiful read! Thank you… I happen to be one who has consistently prayed for no one to left behind (form the moment a certain book series was published several years ago – I never made it through the book and gave the full volume set away) and the highest good of all beings. I am aware I could have prayed for the original intention but could never have been truly happy in the Light knowing.
Dhani says
So wonderful to hear the details of our manifestation here on Earth. Thank you Almine!
Sue B says
thank you Almine for these occasional comments; it makes the task focus so much easier when I get a little reminder like this. It is indeed a privilege and a joy, this physical life, and everything is right here, right now, right in front of me!!
Thank you also for the magnificent tools – and now Timemaps – what a bonus!! Than you, Thank you, Thank you .. I feel so much love for you Almine.
Kelly Wilmeth says
Almine thank you for your clarity. Peace on earth as we live in our own uniqueness and accepting the abundance and magnificence of who we are individually and collectively. Sometimes we forget how simple things are and create an illusion of how we expect things to be.
Patricia says
Thank you so much beloved Almine for the continuous reminders /encouragement about why we are here, and how fundamentally simple, our most important task is – Self Government. Our perception and reactions is the only thing we have control over. And every time i see this reminder from you, I remember… that I accepted this task, I knew it would not be easy, our light family in the higher realms knew it too, and are rooting for us, there is no judgement, and that this task truly is one of joy and an honor. Thank you from the depths of my being.. 😀
Andrey says
2 Patricia: so powerful message. thx )