The Ceremony With the Seer in July
Creating the Sacred Space of the Gods
My Dearest Light Family, in July we will be performing a ceremony received by me in a vision. In the visionary experience, I was told by a Tree Spirit:
Man has inflicted damage on the Earth and her kingdoms, without awareness of the pain it is causing other life-forms. Now the Earth and trees and waters and weather are fighting back. No longer shall we suffer in silence, but we give this ceremony in gratitude to the Holy Ones of the Earth. Much great gifts have come from their presence. Walk in a sacred space wherever you may go. Flourish in this holy sanctuary, and the whole Earth will flourish with you.
Almine,this is so beautiful. I absolutely love the trees and have had many experiences of them speaking with me in ancient forests and woodlands of Ireland, and as recently as two nights ago when they expressed feelings of comfort. I have a memory, as a child of being scared of entities that I felt were hiding under my bed but the shadows of tree branches from the farm behind my house, stretched out their arms and held me in a sacred embrace. Such beautiful, exquisite and magestic beings. They have also sung with me in America.
Wow! That’s incredible, the trees are fighting back with pollen dust! Go, go tree beings!!
Gratitude for the message
Among trees in nature Iris feels at home
With love
Tears comes to my eyes and heart reading this, much gratitude and love I have for Nature and can not see them in any pain. I feel their pain and their love, their innocence and sense of adventure. I am always connected to nature and talk with the trees, water, birds… I can’t express my gratitude for this Ceremony Thank you Almine so much.
Thank you so much Almine and the Tree spirit. I love my big tree in my garden, at the moment it wears an abundance of beautiful flowers and the scent is overwhelming.
Much love and gratitude, in reverence.
I love you, all trees, so much. I sing to you, with you…
Nature is close to my heart, Im mooved
Almine…this is incredible..tears again.. when I awoke this morning I am sleeping with my venision blinds up at night so I can see the moon and the stars and the trees while I go to sleep at night, in the morning the natural light wakes me. Every morning I am aware of the trees in my back garden and I love them . I lay each morning listening to the sounds of morning and the Earth,..this morning I felt the trees wave to me ,..they spoke to my being beyond words and their sway and movements to me was a dance…it really wasn’t windy…you know what I mean …much love and deepest gratitude , in reverence