Below a beautiful testimonial about our free communication in silence webinars. You can access the webinar at any time you would like, however most people gather on Saturday at 10am PST, just before the life broadcast of Awakening from the Dream, to join in together.
This is my experience with the live Communication in Silence webinar of December 16th, 2011. I played the Arcturian Fairy Sigils on my computer screen during the webinar. I started out on my yoga mat on the ground and moved to a chair once I was comfortable and relaxed. I was not able to stay in the chair for long because I was prompted to get up and dance. The remainder of the webinar I just danced the Silence. Even though I heard/felt nothing but the Silence sparkling in my ears and through my being it was like the Silence was expressing through the dance that came through my body and at the same time I was the Silence. It felt immensely peaceful and whole and I was surprised to find how quickly the webinar was over. Beautiful and vast beyond words…….
Thank you to all that participate(d) ~ Katja (Curaçao)
Thank you for sharing Katja!
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