Q. I’m really glad that so much has been explained about classes with Almine during the last two entries. I’ve often thought how hard it must be for her to be in such heightened sensitive states and then go into airports, taxis and crowds. Please ask her why she seems so deeply moved when she first enters and when she leaves the class, but more detached during the class?
A. Almine: Well, besides what I have already explained…the issue of how people love and what makes them feel loved needs to be addressed. Lightworkers love more than most; they live more from the heart. Yet the strength of their love has kept illusion lingering (from a smaller perspective) after it should. The reason for this is because the illusion that there is more than one being in existence, namely relationship, is fed by exclusive and directional love. Love cannot be sent or given to another because there’s no place that it’s not. It should be redefined as acknowledging oneness.
I allow myself brief moments of thinking of you as ‘outside’ myself, just so I can glimpse the wonder of you (which is really glimpsing the wonder of myself in you). But, if I continued such illusion throughout class it would become a fetter that limits the flight of our being.
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