After our last week of “assessing conduct”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of March 02 – March 08, 2014
Let go what no longer supports and inspires your journey. Release with gratitude that which has completed its purpose. Be extremely aware that this week will bring several key moments that will bring great changes if acted on with courage and decisiveness.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of February 23 – March 01, 2014
Cultivate a compassionate and supportive relationship with yourself. Establish a firm foundation of self-sustenance and self-respect. This is a week to prepare your inner strength for the instability of others in your environment. You will need to assess your conduct and that of others clearly in the weeks ahead.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
The weekly prediction is inspired by Almine’s Calendar of Oneness.
Thank you, that is so true
It’s so interesting how “subtle” yet profound these decision can be, and I find it’s important to believe and trust in their power. When I was very young and a student with my guru of many years ago, I recalled one moment about a year into my relationship with him as a teacher, in the middle of a busy shift waiting tables one evening, I felt my heart open and silently stated, I surrender to the will of the Divine..” I still recall the plates of food I was holding, heading from the kitchen to the dining room. A profound moment of realization for me, in the most unlikely setting The next day when visiting the Ashram, without any previous conversation, my guru informed me that I would be receiving my initiation, saying that I was now ready – he had received the message of my heart.
This week I made a profound, yet very subtle decision that I no longer had any need or desire for any dysfunction in my environment, even if that meant the end of relationships, it’s okay… “I let them go..” Now I see those relationships transforming…very magically, right before my eyes…into ones based on a very different/more healthy dynamic. And it’s reminding me that we don’t necessarily “make decisions” and force changes….but through surrender and openness, they just happen. For example I didn’t decide that I was going to open my heart in the middle of busy shift waiting tables, but because I was “open”….it happened. It’s really so miraculous in it’s subtlety. LPG Patricia 😀