Q. How did it go missing?
A. When we started taking life at face value, believing in appearances, the adventure of life was lost; it was only seen as a series of hardships.
Q. What viewpoint does the Inner Adventurer offer to deal with the hardships of the world?
A. The essence of manliness; what it means to live up to the often quoted, and always misunderstood phrase, “act like a man”. It means that instead of complaining and whining about your circumstances, respond to it with the courage born of a change in attitude.
Q. Do women have this aspect too?
A. Absolutely. All are constructed the same. Gender is determined by emphases.
From the Upcoming Book of Answers
Лариса says
Признательность и Благодарность, моя дорогая Альмин! Мои составляющие мужское и женское сливаются во Едино и помогает смотреть на мир Вдохновенно и в полном покое!
stephen says
a flower that flowers in adversity is the most rearest and beautiful of them
Gulfiia Kutcenko says
Life’s Carol
Autumn leaves are burnt in the garden,
And the dreams like birds fly away,
Flowers fade not out of sudden,
Rules of Life are governed this way!
No more words are born deep in mind now,
Only rain gently washes the heart,
No regret,expectations and fears,
Fruit is picked from our precious past!
Silence reigns all around in the garden,
Peace and comfort replaces the games,
That’s what for humans are running
Their life long adventurous race!
Dhani says
Super duper!
Людмила Рузова says
Сейчас переживаю очень красивые моменты жизни. Видна ложь всего что было создано когда то и прожито. Смотришь и понимаешь , что все это ложь,которую мы принимаем за истину, Истина и ложь на одних весах. Закрывается все что раньше трогало и волновало. Мужское и женское сливается в полноту всего твоего существа и становишься андрогинным по своей сути, где проявляется в разных моментах и женское и мужское. Но больше всего на поверхность выходит женский аспект Богини, которая помогает видеть мир из состояния полного принятия и покоя. Приходит осознавание твоей бессмертной и вечной души и мгновения заполняют состояние здесь и сейчас,они просто меняются,но они же и бесконечны, ты не закончишься никогда.
Lynette says
Always we are given what we need when we need it! Thank you dearest Almine. I sense a Mustang running wild and free with/as the Inner Adventurer.
Ulla says
Dearest, beautiful Almine – I do so love your teachings; they always resonate something deep inside me. I treasure every newsletter and insight you bring. May your recovery soon be over; love, praise and gratitude!
Hazel says
Thank you, Almine, it has been always important to represent that aspect of myself when situations confront me, and to deal with it with emphasis and forthrightness. That is stamp the authority of the understanding of who and what I am, and feel good about it. The results are amazing without having to misuse your inner flame. We are both masculine and feminine, and that’s a wonderful creation, we must demonstrate our totality.
Thank you, Almine you are a Blessing!
May you continue to experience Wholesome healing!
Anna says
Wonderful… I have been revisiting my masculine this last week and sure enough this is true to my moment and the insights I have been experiencing. I had felt the masculine was not in its fullness and therefore my feminine can not enter fully into oneness for long periods without her beloved masculine complete and in his true fullness. This is what I have been searching for within myself that I felt missing. My deepest gratitude to my beloved Inspiration Almine. I love you dearly. Thank you beautiful one.