Here you can find the 16 illusions that obstruct the opening of a higher life and a richer dimension of existence. They are centered around our inability to see the perfection of life from an eternal perspective. Illusions 1 and 2 were discussed on my most recent Awakening from the Dream radio show installment. Listen to it here.
The 16 Illusions
- Thinking that we need to save others
- Thinking that it is our responsibility to make life better for others
- Thinking that creation could be a reality when nothing new can be created
- Thinking that previous cycles of life have been a mistake or waste of time
- Thinking we have been lost and need to find home
- Thinking that the body has not served a high purpose
- Thinking that anything bad or non-life enhancing can exist
- Thinking that shadow beings have not served a purpose
- Creating identity through drama
- Believing that individuations and form are real
- Believing that separation can exist within life
- Thinking that which is more ethereal and of higher frequency is more advanced and conscious
- Thinking the more ethereal to be more ‘real’
- Thinking that any part of creation is more ‘real’ than another
- Thinking that separation from Source can be possible
- Thinking that Someone other than Ourselves as the One Life, has created life
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