Could you define witchcraft? In response to the Lemurian prophecy on the death of witchcraft, some were claiming that good (‘white’) witches ‘operate within natural law’. (Which is understood to be in alignment with the divine.) This seems contrary to what I have heard you say over years of studying your work.
Nowhere in any cosmic law is it permissible to control another’s behavior or its outcome, whether well or ill-intended. The word ‘magic’ has been grossly misused to apply to any enforced control of another, or for that matter your own life. Magic, as we use it, is the exposing of the underlying perfection by removing the illusion that obscures it. You will notice that the bodies of Incorruptible Magic we’ve given, always had a body of perception coupled with it. The power source is not external; it is the power that’s released as you release your inner illusions. The external but directs the power to increase the quality of your journey by exposing the perfection that already exists.
Any “magic”, as it exists in any form other than what I have explained, brings painful repercussions to the practitioner — no matter how well-intended. The only difference the benevolence of the intention makes, is that anything that is genuinely a misguided act due to lack of understanding, can be reversed and karma prevented by changing the perception.
“A moment well-lived can change the past and the future” ~Almine
We remind you that even in Belvaspata these criteria for true magic are strictly observed. The angel places the healing sigils in the fields of the patient until they are willing to receive some or all into their body. Healing is not enforced.
Selma says
Thanks, blessings & gratitude ad always to Almine for her impeccable discernment & guidance!
Also, THANKSCro Phoebe for her insightful comments on this matter.
Mo says
Im deeply thankful of team and Seer Almine for this clarification ,
May we see the full elimination of the first-ring magic in all it’s forms .
Love , praise and gratitude To my Beloved light family . says
Does anyone know please, if we are still working with the original Belvaspata sigils or
are the new sigils for emotional healing “Aravespi Stra-Unat” available?
Phoebe Surana-Mehit says
I think this conversation is very poignant in bringing to the forefront those among us that are still practicing control over others and following Almine’s teachings. Honestly the topics that may bother people the most, that come from Almine, are most likely the topics in peoples lives that they must confront to move on to higher levels of consciousness. Otherwise, we would just stay stagnant in our beliefs and hang out on the same rung on the ladder. What kind of game would we being playing if we stayed at the same level all the time? A very boring one I imagine. May we be content on this journey of self discovery and bring joy into letting go of the past, that new horizons may offer a more meaningful and rich infrastructure within.
ChristinaT says
Thank you, Almine! This is so important for all of us to understand about the true nature of ¨magic¨.
Sakirah says
True magic for me is the facilitating of shifting one’s consciousness thus removing the illusion so one can see clearly his or her true nature and make choices that will help that true nature to grow and shine and work in alignment with natural laws.
Katherine Toy Miller says
Thank you, Bas. That is helpful.
Vanessa Power says
Eternally greatful for BelVasPata !!! and all other sacred healing tools Almine has brought forth
Lynette says
Praise and gratitude be to Mother for giving us the gift of you, dearest Almine, and the teachings that flow through you to bless the whole Cosmos. I am in awe again of the clarity of this gift of wisdom that illustrates #33 of the Principles of High Magic. Thank you to the brother or sister for the gift of the question as well.
LPGT to my Lightfamily
Katherine Toy Miller says
What about prayer? Is that a form of magic? I have people or situations I would like to pray for but don’t know what I should ask for or what I should do. I have people who pray for me with my permission. Is that okay? Does it do any good or any harm? As always, thank you so much for this life-enhancing information!
Bas Waaijer says
You could send them your blessings in an unconditional manner, much like belvaspata. Meaning you basically envision the sort of blessings you want to send them hanging around them, maybe in a pink cloud of sorts, and leaving it up to the person to make use of it or not.
I remember people doing a sortlike thing for Almine a while back while she was in stasis.
Also listen to this. I found it simply entering the words ‘almine’ and ‘prayer’ in Google: