Hear the debut of the 9th Hidden Planet’s Sound Elixir from the planet Bru-aret, titled Revelry. Listen to BBS Station 1 tonight at 7 PM PST on Windows Into Eternity with Almine and her Lightworker family.
Use this link: http://www.bbsradio.com/bbs_talk_radio_station1.php
Q. What is the primary significance of the hidden planets studied in Interstellar Mysticism?
A. The Hidden Planet Sound Elixirs: The planetary ascension that began in earnest in Feb. 2005, has been primarily masculine and light-based. This produces immortality, but ascension into immortality reaches a peak, at which point it must have its frequency, feminine components rise as well. Since December 2009 we have been poised at the peak, needing the feminine’s ascension to catch up for us to go beyond our current level of consciousness. The alternative is to descend. The unseen planets’ elixirs are a gift to help humanity achieve the balanced ascension necessary to transcend the current stage of life.
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