By popular request, we have been asked to supply the Eternal Mind Sigil for you:

Click here to download the pdf
*Very Important Note From The Seer: *Summer solstice 2021 in Northern Hemisphere will be on Sunday, June 20, 2021 – Pacific Time (USA). The oil should be put on via the time and day indicated here, and not before then. This Sigil should not be used before then either.
Previous: Now Available – Eternal Mind Oil
Could anyone please tell me if the sigil can be used in place of the oil for this ceremony? I’
This will answer your question:
For those of Us in tbe Southern hemisphere it will be the Winter Solstice.
Does the Seer have specific instructions for Us?
Do we do this by proxy in Our own time zone, or is the focus on the date only?
Hi Ginette, The Seer has not given any specific instructions so far. I’m aware that our lightfamily is having an online ceremony and gathering. I don’t know any specifics though.
The only specifics The Seer gave me is that the oil is not needed for the start of the Eternal Mind activation on June 20, 2021 (at noon PST – USA), but promotes the continued activation and graceful transition to Eternal Mind. The oil should not be worn, or the sigil used before this date and time.
I would love to listen to read from Almine in more detail as to what eternal mind would be like to experience. I have a feeling Almine will be explaining more in terms of what these new minds are going to feel like. But I’m looking around to see where I can study ETERNAL MIND more.
This is fantastic!! Thank you ever so much!!
Thank you! And is this Sigil also not to be used before the Solstce?
I think it’s worth noting, since the Day and Time of the activation of Eternal Mind is so exact and important, that the Solstce is at a different time, different day even, depending upon your Time Zone. Here in western Europe for instace it is on the 21st at 5:31 in the morning.
🌄 So we over here should only apply the Oil or Sigil at the time, or after, in our region?
Barbara, noon PST on the 21st June (Summer Solstice), will make it 8pm in the UK (9pm (21hr) in France) I believe.
Yes. But Almine is planning on noon on the 20th according to the previous post. So that is the day before ‘our’ Solstice. And at midday Pacific time.
So we can be present for this activation at its equivalent time in our lands. Seems like 21:00 for western Europe on the 20th.
I see what you mean; and yes, it does say the 20th on the previous post…
Bisous, Barbara.