Another episode about the new concepts for Toltec shamans since their age old tradition began to change from 2006 onwards. We hope you enjoy…
What is the Purpose of Existence?
The new purpose of existence is to create through the heart; to see just how many ways we can find to mirror Mother’s face – Her joy, abundance, generosity and devotion to the pure in heart. Nature has mirrored much of it; now it is time for our lives to do the same.
What is the Known?
The known has not changed. It was and is those portions of the One Being, the Infinite Mother, that have been turned into something familiar through experience. It is light and reflects that which She is. To see the good in each moment, we have to have it in ourselves. We can only recognize what is within us. We are therefore observing in various nuances our own being by finding what we love in our environment.
What is the Unknown?
The portion of creation that remains unknown doesn’t in any way represent illusion, but rather the creative application of the known. We use the fragments of illusion clung to by those in this material life, as an energy source and focus instead on just how much diversity of expression we can bring to that which is part of the 12 pure emotional pairs.
What is the Way of Encountering the Unknown?
Previously, as lightseekers were attracting opposite energies, they needed a great deal of protectiveness and strategy when encountering the unknown. Now that life’s new laws of opposite energies repel, we embark on a journey to discover that which is, with the twelve pairs of emotions being the only tools required.
Knowing that the core of everything is reformed into purity, we either find the energy of it inspirational and life-enhancing or we don’t and move away. Because we no longer view opposite-energy events as our sources of power and perception, we are only interested in finding those things and people that inspire us to expand.
This “glimpse into the world of Toltec Naguals” series, is posted to give the current online course “Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way” a bit more of a context and background. See the other interesting posts; post 3, post 2 and post 1.
anna patricia says
Noticing so many positive changes with the younger people.
Thinking especially of a young local business man (age 24) who took a handicapped child to a concert last week.He made a video of the event and showed it to me..The concert was live,electric and powerful but these sounds were nothing compared to the joyous screams of laughter and excitement coming from the handicapped child. He sang,danced ,clapped,cried,waved ,was completely uninhibited and I could see that he enjoyed every second of his outing.I simply cant stop praising this young man for his kind deeds. It also gave the child’s family a much needed break as they have another severely handicapped child ,so their hands are full.
Another young man,18 years old decided to go camping with his friends last week. Out of the blue he decided that it would be a good idea to call around his neighbourhood and see if anyone wanted to join them. His mother thought that he should stay with people his own age and with those he knew well.
He went along with his own ideas and by all accounts they had a wonderful time. They all agreed not to bring alcohol ,cigarettes or junk food. They camped in the woods and heard many different sounds during the night.Another video to watch.
The parents of these children are simply amazed at the idea of them exploring nature and setting up tents in the woods. A new experience for all concerned.
I got a good lecture at the recycling plant from a young woman who was collecting scrap wood for raised beds in her garden.I thought she might be better off getting hardwood so that she would get a longer life from them.
She was horrified at my suggestion and in no uncertain terms told me that she would NEVER buy hardwood for garden boxes,sitting on clay. The scraps she was collecting were softwood. There were no hardwood scraps that day. a bonus if there were,of course
She said .’You know that some hardwood trees take 100 years to grow and you cut them up and make garden boxes out of them and leave them stand on wet soil
and they are rotten in 10 years.’ This really sank home for me.So much so that I’ve had to totally rethink the whole forest/timber/felling/logging business.
I thought long and hard for my raised 30ft bed X 6 ft wide garden bed.
Bottles have been around for a while. I’ve seen them used as features in gardens.Wasn’t sure if they would suit my needs or if they would look good,or if they were practical. I played around with the idea for a while and finally took the plunge with this option
Well guess what….I’m almost there. Several hundred wine and champagne /whiskey bottles,collected from friends and from recycling centres,set in soil on one side and stones on the other.I do not drink alcohol but it was hard convincing my oil delivery man,that I/we didn’t have serious drink problems when he saw the bank of bottles in the garden.
Its looking great and will last forever. In fact I would call it a work of art. The bottles, I’ve discovered heat up the soil,when put around raised bed.
Video will follow soon.
I am so glad to have met this young woman at the recycling centre.She got me thinking and was an inspiration indeed.I really love wood so much but now I think I prefer trees.
People have so many great ideas and I find it exciting walking up to someone who looks like they might be about to divulge a great mystery and asking them to show me how they have figured something out.
My plants are going from strength to strength.Vines about to cause traffic congestion,as they travel freely through any gap they can find.