The Seer details the functions of the Five Element Oils…
- Earth Element
Song of the EarthThis fresh fragrance with earthy undertones helps balance the tendency to resist change, and the inclination to become over-ambitious. It encourages flourishing through grateful acknowledgement of the gifts of the moment.
- Water Element
Summer RainThis blend is experienced as movement between the multilayered notes of fragrance. Its alchemy is formulated to encourage the fluidity needed for a masterful life of grace.
- Fire Element
Fires of InspirationThe passion stirred by this alchemical oil, provides the impetus to follow our inspired vision, empowered by courage and self-confidence. It promotes inner strength and fortitude in the face of adversity.
- Wind Element
The Breath of SpringThis fragrant blend encourages the unencumbered freedom of authentic expression. It balances the wisdom of being true to your heart, with the compassionate consideration of the impact of actions on the Interconnectedness of all life.
- Aether Element
Rustle of ConsciousnessThe powerful effects of this multi-dimensional oil, include inspired creativity, empathic communication and awakening the fuller power of the spoken word. It delivers its profound gifts by tapping into the current of consciousness arising from Infinite Intent.
Hello, I have the oils but I wonder if there is any protocol and how to apply these? Thank you so much Gabrielle
Amazing, thank you so much for this gift!
Mighty grace unfolding. 🙂
Just wondering are these fragrances placed on any particular body area?
Each description of the fragrances of “The 5 Elements” feels like a dance with the scents…so graceful, delightful and effortless as a ballet dancer in the “Sleeping Beauty” or “Swan Lake”. The properties expressed to perfection…
We know that the ballerina has practiced and practiced and practiced – and the some…so the audience may not even think how or even notice – her grandiose persistence to perfection.
I’m very much looking forward to the Alchemy these FA olis will reveal…
In humble gratitude and reverence – Thank you from my ♥️
Thank you ATeam & Fragrance Alchemy
To Almine and The Infinite the Glory for ever and ever…🌹🎼💎🌡