Learn from all you interact with. Both sage and fool alike carry within them the wisdom of the ages. It is your sacred duty to find it. Continue reading→
Submerged Temple: Sound Healing & Wisdom for Godhood by Almine
This is the sound healing project that Almine completed in November 2014. The musical base of these tracks was originally designed to neutralize the meridian distortion that produces fear. Continue reading→
Making Place for Happiness in Daily Life
Happiness Happiness is a surprisingly complex subject. For example, are you aware of the range of states of happiness, ranging from active to passive? From peak experiences to simple contentment? If you want to know more about the Art of Happiness, take a look on I Am Presence (months February and March). The above is… Continue reading→
Appreciating the Fire Element
Appreciate the fire element. The magma and volcanoes replenish the soil, as water erodes it and carries it to the sea. See the hearth’s or campfire’s comforting blessings throughout the ages of civilization. Communicate with the sun. Listen. This little invitation to a mediation has recently been added to Almine’s Wisdom pages on SpiritualJourneys.com. Over… Continue reading→
Healing Ourselves
Just a little wisdom to kick off the weekend! If you like these kinds of little aphorisms, check out Almine’s Pinterest board or Facebook page for far more of them. Also, The Seer’s Wisdom book has hundreds upon hundreds of pages filled with these kinds of insights.
Your Friend the Traveler
Just a little wisdom to kick off the weekend! If you like these kinds of little aphorisms, check out Almine’s Pinterest board or Facebook page for far more of them. Also, The Seer’s Wisdom book has hundreds upon hundreds of pages filled with these kinds of insights.
Manifesting From Godhood – Insights From The Lemurian Angels 3/3
Creating reality Creating reality from within the human matrix, is the equivalent of a flat, two-dimensional movie screen that gives the impression of three-dimensionality. Creatively manifesting from the god-kingdom is like virtual reality, in that it provides more depth of living and intensity of experience. This creates intense emotions – a reason why the negative… Continue reading→
Finding Wisdom and Innocence – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “letting power flow through your being”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of January 05 – January 11, 2014 Fully participate in the joyous adventure of discoveries of new opportunities this week brings. Watch from an eternal perspective your experiences of the moment,… Continue reading→
The Madness within the Dream
The madness within the dream was a term used to describe the fact that we (as our higher self) designed our experiences for our highest good, then felt victimized by them. We designed our life’s experiences down to the minutest details and agreed to embody them, then we prayed to be ‘saved’ from their unpleasantness…. Continue reading→
Empowerment and Humor
Empowerment is the desire to serve. At first, this definition might not make sense. The connection between service and empowerment might seem a bit obscure. The reason is that man has really not understood the proper meaning of service. Service has often meant assuaging our conscience by giving a handout, not really addressing the deficiency… Continue reading→