A baby amazes and inspires feelings that we’re standing on holy ground… Why has the birth of a child universally inspired such reverence within us? Continue reading→
Why Should Or Shouldn’t You Study With Almine?
Almine is asked why one should study with her. She explains why you should, and why those who cling to static truth and belief will not be able to. A good follow-up video is this: http://youtu.be/R-MyQy9tN7A Almine discusses the roles of the various wayshowers and how their functions relate to the known, the unknown, and… Continue reading→
Seeking Cooperation With Life – A Glimpse Into The World Of Toltec Nagual Shamans Pt. 5
Another episode about the new concepts for Toltec shamans since their age old tradition began to change from 2006 onwards. It’s a big post, so treat yourself to some highly insightful spirituality! Clarity versus Meaning The average person sees the nature of reality as static or fixed. Life to him is like a maze through… Continue reading→
Encountering The Unknown – A Glimpse Into The World Of Toltec Nagual Shamans Pt. 4
Another episode about the new concepts for Toltec shamans since their age old tradition began to change from 2006 onwards. We hope you enjoy… What is the Purpose of Existence? The new purpose of existence is to create through the heart; to see just how many ways we can find to mirror Mother’s face –… Continue reading→
What A Higher Order Is – The Scroll Of Order And Chaos Pt. 7
A higher order simply implies that additional insights made it impossible for mind to continue harboring old belief systems. It therefore let them go and formed a new set to incorporate new information. This was insight number 7 of the Atlantean scroll of Order and Chaos. See number 6 here. ~*~ In our most recent Onkenbaar radioshow… Continue reading→
The New Day Tip-toes Over The Horizon
After posting the Song of the West earlier this week, this time up we will share the Song of the East. With these Songs of the Directions you can get a feel for the archtypical directions and the role they play in existence – in yourself. Enjoy! Song of the East From the East where… Continue reading→
A Spiritual Retreat With Almine
The Retreats of Almine’s Teachings The retreats that offer the teachings of this world–renowned mystic have several unique and characteristic features. They may vary widely in that these globally occurring events each have a specific genre, but the following common elements can be found: World-class mystics steeped in the bliss of expanded awareness, are seldom… Continue reading→
Time – Where the Destiny of the Cosmos Hinges on the Moment
After posting the main ascension attitudes of Love, Praise and Gratitude, it’s time to share the seven supporting attitudes. The upcoming weeks these will find their way to the blog and perhaps become an integrated part in your daily awareness. Today we’ll start with time. The Seven Supporting Attitudes The seven supporting attitudes as an… Continue reading→