2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence. The cosmic movement resembles a massive tube torus, or doughnut shape, that turns upon itself. The Ancients called… Continue reading→
2012 Prophecies From Ancient Records
2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence. For more about Almine’s prophecies join us on on Awakening from the Dream radio show, this Saturday 11… Continue reading→
No Time, But A Sequence
Here you have glimpse of a question and answer series Almine had with the Infinite a while back. Delve into the mystery with us? Q. When and how can we raise the frequency high enough to be able to “raise the veil” or dissolve the grids and matrices without many beings going insane? A. There is no… Continue reading→
Denying The Contribution Of Future Moments?
What we look at, we solidify. What we experience unfolds into endless possibility. When we look back, the past solidifies into the present. When we look forward, we create a life with only the possibilities of this moment, denying the contribution of future moments. Either way creates a life of mediocrity. The moment is an… Continue reading→
Timelessness Through Complete Surrender
An outpouring of Angelic information has recently begun to be received by Almine. There will be 300 wheels such as these given, of which today we will post number 70 and tomorrow number 71. Each wheel represents an archangel and the principle they embody. These specific wheels embody the dissolving of identity through activity; our defining ourselves… Continue reading→
Questions About the Destiny of Man
An interview with the Mystic Almine by Rogier Chardet In the upcoming days we will be sharing with you a question and answer session held with Almine about the destiny of mankind. Today part 1! Q: You have often said that one of the primary tasks of humanity is to learn to balance and express… Continue reading→
You Cannot Trust Your Eyes
Here is our fourth installment of the translation of the Lemurian Way of the Windhorses scrolls. You can read the third post here or look at all the posts on this subject by clicking on the “Windhorse tag” below this post. Great tip to find more posts on a subject you like! Let not dead… Continue reading→
Dust the Dullness of Beliefs
This is a continuation of the Way of the Windhorses scrolls, Lemurian writings from the first period ~ 1 million to 800.000 years ago. See the glyphs of the scrolls in these posts here and here. What is illumination but the remembrance that we dwell in the sanctuary of Your heart In the holy abode of the eternal moment where all life births anew throughout eternity How can we become that which You have in perfection already made us to be Let us dust the dullness of beliefs from the luminous purity of our being ~*~ Naught can be created, nor can it be destroyed Eternity is our heritage and in newness do we express the Song of the One Life Come let us enter into the inner sanctum of our heart Where light and frequency are in an indivisible embrace Where we dwell in timelessness and dance the dance of no opposites ~*~ Beyond life and death and a thousand imagined beginnings and ends The golden thread of eternal existence fluidly flows Yet no journey is there and no destination awaits… Continue reading→
Testimonial about a class with Almine in Newport I have been asked to share an experience that occurred during the Newport workshop. Some of you might recall that during the Ohio workshop I experienced breaking out of the cosmic egg. A long and intensive evening that ended with me levitating out of my bed. This… Continue reading→
Ocean of Infinity
Photo by Almine Between the moments, with intent; allow yourself to slip into timelessness, dissolving your form into the Ocean of Infinity, only to reform the next moment.