The solutions of the future are now very much more graceful and gentle. Continue reading→
Keeping Yourself Small
As usual, during the Copenhagen retreat a lot of deep insights came to Almine and the gathered students. To give you just a little idea, here is a subject we discussed at the beginning of the retreat. On the very first day of the retreat, Almine asked us to examining our own lives for examples… Continue reading→
Designing The Game Of Illusion
This is our second and for now final excerpt from Almine’s A Life of Miracles book. It is a follow-up of yesterday’s fascinating account of an encounter with the being known as Lucifer and it is recommended you read that post first. “…Later, I received the following information about Lucifer and his role: A game of… Continue reading→
Awaken And The Shadows Disappear In the second of Almine’s Amsterdam interviews she talks about Lemuria, Atlantis and in particular about the Inner Earth and her fascinating encounters with it’s inhabitants. See the first video in this series of three here.