What is a miracle? Continue reading→
Almine Glows (Christmas Day 2015)
A photo of Almine and 2 of her daughters on Christmas Day 2015 Continue reading→
Abundant Gratitude
Building up to the Night of Miracles on December 31st, we have a beautiful heartwarming read for you. These sentiments were shared time and time again by our light family in the outpouring of love, praise and gratitude for our beloved Almine during the recent collection of Miracle stories. These words, shared with a great… Continue reading→
Miraculous ‘Mistake’
We have another shared story in our series of miracles, building up to the Night of Miracles. This is a remarkable entry with a seeming ‘mistake’ that ends up with a positive outcome for the family involved. We trust you will enjoy this little read! Joanne – Ireland I just wanted to share a miracle… Continue reading→
December : the Month of High Magic
In this video Almine touches upon the importance of going into the depth of our roots, and the integration of the realities of inner space (“death”) and external space (“life”) as resurrection. Continue reading→
Miracle of Serendipity
Continuing in our series of miracles (which we started last week here in our run up to the Night of Miracles), we wanted to share a sweet story of a miracle involving a serendipitous event. Here is one of the entries that was shared earlier this year. This little miracle brings forth the joy of… Continue reading→
Almine Miracle Competition – Last Chance!
Tomorrow (Friday, August 15) is your last chance to enter into Almine’s miracle competition to win a cruise. Enter your Almine miracle story in the comment section here, or take a look at the grand prize, a cruise with Almine to the Western Caribbean and Mayan ruins. Winners will be announced tomorrow, August 16th, in… Continue reading→
Why Miracles Do Or Don’t Happen
Almine has often said that when we walk this journey together and actually implement the teachings and live our lives expressing who we truly are, miracles become commonplace. Many of our sisters and brothers around the world experience miracles in their daily lives and besides being a wonderful event for those they affect directly, they… Continue reading→
A Key Element To Successfully Transitioning To A Life Of Miracles
Today we share two questions posted to us by two students. In this post question 1! Q. My concern is what course should I take and how long to see the wishes manifestation appear, and can Almine help in the process of granting this gift which I would call it, please advice, I need to… Continue reading→
Miracles In Everyday Life
Following yesterday’s fascinating post about the Sigil of Blahut and the Lemurian Angels, today we’ll dive into the miracles of everyday life, the miracles we may not even recognise and the ones we do! Almine has often said that miracles become commonplace once we start to live without judgement and see behind the appearances. When we… Continue reading→