May you who have not ceased to reach for the luminous and sacred truths that yet abide, be strengthened and supported in your lofty vision and glorious quest. Continue reading→
How Credit Cards Control the Soul
The enslavement and exploitation of man takes place at three levels: mind, body, and soul. Even though the mirrors of humanity are distorted ones, they serve the purpose of reminding us of illusions that are still being held onto. Continue reading→
This Is How Mind Stays in Control
The Seer outlines the strategies deployed by mind to maintain its control over your being. It promotes living in opposition to the environment, and the illusion of being no more than a body, because these engender separation, which is something mind can work with. Continue reading→
The Unique Experience of TIMEMAPS
After I saw the TIMEMAP Key, Catalyst, Wheels, Maps etc, something shifted and came online inside me… it’s as if I’m always seeing the maps and their coded images, numbers, etc. Continue reading→
Cellphones and the Dialogue of the Mind
Question: What is your opinion about the constant dialogues (texting, social media, etc.) people have on cellphones?
Almine: I first became interested in it when I realized that some of my light family wouldn’t come to a silent retreat because they couldn’t go without the constant chatter on their cellphones Continue reading→
The Judgments of the Mind, Heart and Spirit
Value judgments of the Mind, Heart and Spirit keep us from our mastery by locking us into the powerless state of duality. The master must learn to value both poles equally in order to use opposites as a tool, emphasizing one or the other in his or her expression as suits the strategy of the… Continue reading→
Miracles and Spirituality – Complete Almine Interview
Wow! Your feedback on the 10 minute preview we shared with you over the weekend has been quite astonishing! Today we have the full interview Almine did with Lauren Galey of earlier this year. A few themes she discusses: -Gaining power -4 types of toltec naguals -How to quiet the mind when you are… Continue reading→
Reclaiming the Cosmic Underworld
Almine begins her discourse on the reclamation of the cosmic underworld – the subconscious mind – by elaborating on the realities and subpersonalities of Pristine Humanity and the God Kingdom. She also explains the importance of ‘the big questions’, asked by lightworkers and truth seekers, in steering the direction of life. This is the first… Continue reading→
Beliefs Are Your Jail Cell
In elaboration on the Realms of Magic – the outer three rings of our DNA to which mind has hitherto inhibited our access – Almine relays a brief message from an angel who identified the geometry of belief systems as that which traps awareness. Recorded during the Shamanic Men’s Retreat 2013; complete video featured in… Continue reading→
Establishing Silence of the Mind
Establishing Silence of the Mind The initial establishing of a body free from linear time would ideally require an entire week to be set aside to do this exercise. However, to set aside even an hour a day will produce beneficial results. This is not like meditation, but like a child observing the world around… Continue reading→