This installment of Awakening from the Dream is officially known as the “The Loving Depth Of My Being, Connecting To Yours” episode, but is also known as the “No Blessings Today” episode. Jan, Rogier and Niels discuss desires and expectations as an intro into a fantastic 20 minute audio by Almine where she discusses the changing… Continue reading→
Those Sticky Programs
What has the embodiment of the Infinite meant for Creation? Well, what a question to begin our new episode of Awakening from the Dream! Almine goes into deeply metaphysical waters as she explores the interaction between different parts of Creation and that which is Unending. How can you find your way around the sticky programs… Continue reading→
The Challenges Of The Gods
In this New Paradigms through Ancient Records, we spend our second episode on the principles of Oneness and go deeper into the stages of potential human development. Beyond forms of ego, tyrannies of mind and heart, beyond even individuation lies a land as of yet undiscovered. Join Avril and Niels in search of this new… Continue reading→
The Biggest Ah Ha
Listen to this great audio by Almine, talking about the song of silence and a life of no opposites. It was aired during our Dutch Onkenbaar show. You can find it right at the start of the show. Also, totally unexpectedly, Almine joins us live for a few minutes to delve into the audio a… Continue reading→
Personality Is But A Coping Mechanism
We thought you might like to know that we have just finished our very first recording of November’s online course “Down the Rabbit Hole“. It is turning out to be deep, deep mystical information about life, creation, the betrayal of the Supergods, the true power of sigils and wheels, the story of the Embodiment of… Continue reading→
2012 Prophecy Pt. 2 – Moving Into A New Reality
What a weekend we are having! Yesterday we shared part 1 of Lemurian prophecies about 2012 and the cyclical cataclysms that can happen. You can read and listen about it in this post here. Today we will share the second audio that Almine has made on this subject. In our New Paradigms through Ancient Records… Continue reading→
2012 Prophecy Pt. 1 – A Few Will Change For The Many
2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence. The cosmic movement resembles a massive tube torus, or doughnut shape, that turns upon itself. The Ancients called… Continue reading→
The Role Of The Infinite
A new interview with Almine on the Gathering of the Light Family where she talks about 2012, cataclysms, super-gods and the role of the Infinite. Now those are subjects to stay home for! A great interview. Listen to the show here.
2012 Prophecies From Ancient Records
2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records – As translated by the Seer Almine From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence. For more about Almine’s prophecies join us on on Awakening from the Dream radio show, this Saturday 11… Continue reading→
Outer Spiritual Tools, Inner Spiritual Power
Join Awakening from the Dream to listen to Almine talk about abundance and creating a supportive environment. Also, we go into working with sacred wheels, healing modalities and angels. Are they outside sources of power or inner qualities ready to awaken? Another great spiritual show! Listen to the show here. You can find the angels… Continue reading→