Our Beloved Almine was in today, working on creating Personalized Blend oils, and other Fragrance Alchemy oils, for you. Continue reading→
The Magic Rose Fairy Oil
We are very delighted to announce the advent of the new blend, The Magic Rose Fairy, created by the seer to restore the Magic in our Hearts and the Lightness of Glad Expectations in our steps through eternity. The Message of the Seer at this time of destructuring being experienced on earth: “It is essential… Continue reading→
The Magic Rose Fairy
A new fragrance gifted to the Seer by the fairies, to honor mothers everywhere. Continue reading→
The Seer Explains Why The Fragrance Oils Changed
QUESTION: Why have your oils changed, from the original oils you used to sell? We’re referring to your older oils from Egypt. We’d like an explanation to give to our customers please. ANSWER: Blending the oils to meet the demands of changing realities, and to allow the wearer to gracefully transition to higher levels of existence,… Continue reading→