Today when I saw the program for Healing the Distorted Emotions and the Ceremony of Planetary Transcendence…I asked Almine a few questions. We hope that you join us for this free (and priceless!) event and that you find Almine’s answers helpful also. Continue reading→
Insights Regarding Arrogance
Question: …I’ve been guided to ask you about creating a fragrance alchemy oil, “specifically designed to target and clear arrogance from our emotional field”. Continue reading→
To Our Global Lightfamily ~ A New Year’s Eve Invitation
Question: Many of us, including yourself, have experienced challenges during this past year and things also seem to be escalating globally: war, illness, unemployment, death, job changes, displaced persons, financial issues, hunger and drought. What is the most beneficial way to move forward into 2016…? Almine’s Answer: We are preparing the planet to transcend its… Continue reading→
Writing for My Inner Child
Did You Know? We have received inquiries about the installments of the short stories Almine has written, to accompany the fragrant oil blend Freckles… We wish to share with you the story of how it began: From December until May of this year, Almine had no voice and was unable to laugh, cry or speak…. Continue reading→
Judgment Day: What Can We Do to Assist the Process?
Question: Would you recommend anything specific in terms of supporting this process? Continue reading→
Sound Healing for Meridian Cleansing (Did You Know?)
Almine was asked: We have had multiple tools for cleansing the Twelve Meridians, such as the alchemical oils applied on pertinent acupressure points. What is so special about the sound elixirs we will hear during the New Years Eve event? Continue reading→
Changing Our Perception to Change the World Around Us
We have another Day Out of Time, Friday, August 14, 2015. You can read our post about Days Out of Time from July 15, 2015 here. It features general comments about the significance and opportunities of such days, including the reminder to focus on beingness versus doingness. It is our great pleasure to share Almine’s… Continue reading→
Coming soon: A new fragrance for girls everywhere inspired by a very special young lady named Suzy. Continue reading→
Almine On ‘Secret Garden’
The mixing and receiving of Secret Garden may be considered Almine’s latest work. Accordingly, we requested she elaborate on this new signature blend… Continue reading→
Almine’s Garden Photo
We hope you enjoy the inspiration of spring’s bloom in Almine’s garden. This photo was taken from the window of her private chambers. ~ Confident surrender to the romance of unveiling the exquisite mysteries of life ~ See our post about an exquisite new Fragrance Alchemy product, “Almine’s Secret Garden” here.