I am wondering about this being the moment for the “public” to interact with the Seer Almine. I have been pondering this situation since the Egyptian Fragrance Alchemy shop opened… Continue reading→
Egyptian Fragrance Alchemy Sparks Creativity!
I like the idea of having a little store to resell the oils… it’s time they got out to the main public. Can we copy your exterior design and the general idea of the interior? Continue reading→
Erasing Nostalgia and Focusing Trust on Evolving Life
The discussion below illuminates even more a recent Diary post about purifying and releasing memories (especially in this particular post, pertaining to ancient Egypt); see Purifying the Past with Fragrance Alchemy. Continue reading→
Purifying the Past with Fragrance Alchemy
According to your past teachings, in Opening the Doors of Heaven for instance, the grandeur of ancient Egypt was full of shadow beings rising to power through black magic. What made you choose that as a theme for the new Fragrance Alchemy shop? Continue reading→
Principles of an Enlightened Life
We asked the Seer to show us how she is spending her second day in the new Fragrance Alchemy shop. This is what she sent us. Continue reading→
The Fragrance Alchemy Shop is Open for Business!
It’s open! The Fragrance Alchemy order fulfillment center now has a storefront that opened Saturday, July 1st! What does the Seer do as she tends the shop? Continue reading→
Egyptian Fragrance Alchemy Comes to Newport!
Spiritual Journeys has been renting an apartment as an order fulfillment center for Fragrance Alchemy oils. For half the price of expenses for the apartment rental, Almine decided to operate a small store instead, and started transforming it into a sanctuary. We invite you to view our photos… Continue reading→
A Father’s Day Gift of Fragrance Alchemy from Almine
A SPECIAL OFFER TO CELEBRATE FATHER’S DAY…Sunday, June 18, is the day that fathers all over the world are celebrated and acknowledged for their contribution to their families… Continue reading→
Gratitude for the Blessings of High Magic and Fragrance Alchemy
My precious Almine! I want to express my deep respect and gratitude for the precious gifts I work with in our joint, holy, spiritual journey. Having received the 8 High Magic oils, I just had to write this letter of gratitude.These oils are just out of this world, in terms of their unfolding and expression – like trills in the Divine melody. They caress my inner senses and my whole being rejoices from this interaction, with bliss and delight… Continue reading→
The Quickening Happens
A letter to Almine: Today, the 8th of April, it is exactly 60 days since we started working with the Merkaba of Resurrection. And today it really seems … Continue reading→