Question: Is there a cosmic reason the Song of the Rose has been taken off the Market? The Seer Almine: In Mastery of the Unfathomable (Part 2), the dysfunctional way in which the subpersonalities have been used, as well as the imbalance of their masculine, is discussed. This has played an important part in causing… Continue reading→
Fragrance Alchemy Spring Special
We are so delighted with the upgraded oils that the Seer has produced with her latest alchemy, that we would like to give you the opportunity to try them. Continue reading→
A Brief Look at the Seer Doing Alchemy
We asked Tina, who is part of the Fragrance Alchemy support team, what it’s like working side by side with the Seer as she does the alchemical enhancement of the fragrance oils. Continue reading→
Mystical Exploration: the Garden of Eden
Note from Almine: It is highly recommended that for the mystical exploration that we will be doing – in Becoming a Master of High Magic (Part 2) – that you use the blend, The Garden of Eden for the innocence of timelessness in the body and its fields. It is beneficial to apply to the… Continue reading→
Valentine Blends Sold Out
The offer of the Valentine’s Blends of The Goddess of Ecstasy and The Voice of Passion, that the Seer had created to awaken the Romantic Perspective, has expired. Some of the ingredients are no longer available. We are delighted that you have enjoyed these exquisite blends. With love and respect, ~Team Fragrance Alchemy Continue reading→
Goddess of Ecstasy (Almost Out of Stock)
If you’ve been meaning to buy the Goddess of Ecstasy blend for Valentine’s Day, please don’t delay! This exceptional oil has been in such high demand, that we’re running out of supplies to create it. Egypt has such political turmoil right now that we have been unable to have them respond to our urgent requests for more supplies. Continue reading→
Rekindle Your Romance With Life
Available immediately as long as supplies last. Shipped with your order of any oil (including healing oils), you will receive as our gift the exquisite music CD, Children of the Sun Continue reading→
Achieving the Delicate Alchemical Balance
In making the alchemical oils available to you as a delight and a powerful tool of enlightenment, our first priority is to achieve the delicate balance needed to create potent alchemy. Continue reading→
Fragrances of the White Light
A Valentine’s Day Blend Created Especially for Masters of the White Light by the Seer
These fragrances are a carefully balanced alchemical blend of Egyptian and Hawaiian flowers to facilitate a graceful and joyous entry into the highly evolved state of the Immaculate White Light. Continue reading→
Goddess of Ecstasy
I’m so happy about the new Valentine’s Day Fragrances! I absolutely love the women’s one (Goddess of Ecstasy). I feel like wearing it all the time. Continue reading→