What is the most masterful way to relate to our environment when it is in chaos? Continue reading→
Free webinar on Nov. 4 – Leaving the Illusory Reality of Humanity to Enter the True Reality
Free webinar on Nov. 4 – Leaving the Illusory Reality of Humanity to Enter the True Reality Continue reading→
Your Actions Profoundly Affect – Weekly Predictions by Almine
After last week’s “speaking your truth”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of June 16 – June 22, 2013 This week could reveal deep insights. Trust that answers will come. It is the time for you to realize how profoundly every action of yours affects your environment. Take… Continue reading→
The Evolution of Power (Part 2)
Today we continue with the second and final part of Almine’s article on the Evolution of Power. Read part one here. There are three different ways of affecting reality indirectly: 1) Through perception 2) Through emphasizing aspects of life with frequency and resonance 3) Through removing obstructive filters 1) The Use of Perception (Transfiguration) Perception yields… Continue reading→
Watch and Learn – Weekly Predictions by Almine
After last week’s “deep week”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of April 14 – April 20, 2013 The way you look at life will change this week. Others will begin to reveal their true intentions and your value-system will re-adjust itself. Approaching your environment with sensitivity is… Continue reading→
Profound But Subtle Shifts – Weekly Predictions by Almine
After last week’s “time of opening doors”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 31 – April 06, 2013 This week there will be profound, but subtle, shifts in your environment. The response to this should be through remaining in your stillness, while being keenly aware at… Continue reading→
Stewards of the Earth
This is the second video straight from Almine’s latest newsletter… Almine shares a story of how the indigenous peoples walked upon the planet and acted as the caretakers of the Earth. Seeing all life as sacred, they lived in conscious appreciation of all things as they lived off the land in harmonious integration. See more Almine… Continue reading→
Secret Life Of Plants And Minerals
Straight from Almine’s latest newsletter… Do you talk to rocks? Do you consult your firewood before setting it on fire? In a short discussion with Almine, she describes the hidden worlds of plants and minerals, and of our unconscious treatment of these kingdoms. See more Almine videos on her youtube page.
The Fractal Nature Of Existence – Wisdom Of The Lemurian Angels Pt. 8
Today we will share the last part -for now- of the Wisdom of the Lemurian Angels series. See the earlier posts of parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to get the full backstory. When we left you in the last post we were talking about Infinite Alchemy and the fractal patterns of the cosmos in posts 21 and 22: 21. Infinite Alchemy works… Continue reading→
The Runes Of The Sacred Libraries
In anticipation of the new spiritualjourneys.com with all kinds of new features, today we share another old radio show by Almine that will be hosted on the new website of Almine. It is a golden oldie about “Understanding White Magic”. Understanding White Magic In today’s show, Almine shares her experiences and insights into white magic…. Continue reading→