MESSAGES FROM THE ANGELS PART II – Overcoming the Need for Death: As the wisdom from the Lemurian Angels continues to come through, they describe the repercussions of what occurs during ascension and descension of light and frequency, including the root causes of emotions of shame and guilt. When left unchecked, these emotions cause regret… Continue reading→
Honestly Engaging
We all long to be heard, but few realize how much distortion exists, preventing that goal. To have true, clear interaction with another, mind chatter must be stilled. When the mind is silenced, one can fully hear, from the heart. When the mind is stilled, the heart can feel the emotional content behind the words…. Continue reading→
The Space Between Words
“In speaking mind to mind, or even heart to heart, we speak the shallow words of deception. No two perspectives can converse and the perspective of each is unique. Let your words flow from the eternal silence of your infinite song, that the depth of your being may touch that of another, between your words.”… Continue reading→
About Previously Experienced Emotions
The River of Life is created by the physical reality, from frequency that it generates. It consists of previously felt emotions that remain unprocessed (have not yielded their insights). Previously experienced emotions from humans turns frequency into usable resources for beings from other realities ~ The beginning of very interesting insights into why it is… Continue reading→
Those Sticky Programs
What has the embodiment of the Infinite meant for Creation? Well, what a question to begin our new episode of Awakening from the Dream! Almine goes into deeply metaphysical waters as she explores the interaction between different parts of Creation and that which is Unending. How can you find your way around the sticky programs… Continue reading→
The Challenges Of The Gods
In this New Paradigms through Ancient Records, we spend our second episode on the principles of Oneness and go deeper into the stages of potential human development. Beyond forms of ego, tyrannies of mind and heart, beyond even individuation lies a land as of yet undiscovered. Join Avril and Niels in search of this new… Continue reading→
Meditation: Internalizing The 12 Pairs Of Pure Emotions
Our Belvaspata practitioners and those who are interested in this healing modality are going to love this one! The 12 pairs of pure emotions… in a meditation. Meditate, integrate, enjoy. We remind you that this meditation does not replace the personal process of integrating all of the 12 Emotional Pairs for Level I Belvaspata initiation… Continue reading→
No Time, But A Sequence
Here you have glimpse of a question and answer series Almine had with the Infinite a while back. Delve into the mystery with us? Q. When and how can we raise the frequency high enough to be able to “raise the veil” or dissolve the grids and matrices without many beings going insane? A. There is no… Continue reading→
Free from Polarity
Emotions are a means of ensnaring the great and affirming relationships of polarity. Moving lightly through life, free from emotions and thinking we know (which is light), we are able to experience life at any level without being trapped by it. Almine gives a powerful and insightful meditation filled with practical guidance (a ‘how-to’ for) Digesting Density. Listen… Continue reading→
Mastery and Bliss
The greatest pollutant of the one who lives in the excellence of great mastery is emotion and light. There exists beyond these, fluid illumination, a surrendered state of being that could be called the deep bliss of automatic action.