Here is the second post with Almine’s insights into healing. You can read the first post here. Also, check out the beautiful healing modality Belvaspata (healing of the heart), mentioned in these insights.
Dictators Of Mediocre Realities
Find and eliminate the dictating belief systems of your life. Dictators always produce mediocre realities because they are cut off from the genius of innovative flow. Life is inherently inclusive. In creating a division, we are inviting that which we wish to exclude, to breach it. For every wall we build, life creates a gate…. Continue reading→
Ghosts of the Past
The illusion of fullness and emptiness of being must eventually dissolve – but a stepping stone to Oneness has it been. Many ghosts of the past reside in the illusion of fullness. See the previous posts with insights of Ananu here.
There Have Been Many With Abilities and Few of Pure Substance
A student asks the following question: Q. We want to attract a group of beings with Christ consciousness and beyond that – help us to grow exponentially and help us to develop our abilities, who demonstrate and teach us their abilities, become our deepest everyday friends and in turn, as companions, help us manifest our… Continue reading→
Illusions that Created the Fall
Well, what a surprise! Almine unexpectedly joins us in this new Awakening radio show and our host Niels was totally unprepared for that! But that didn’t stop her to get down to metaphysical business. The new song of the cosmos is shared via a very personal story by Almine about her daughter Jaylene. We delve… Continue reading→
Pathway to Ascension Pt. 3 – Ego Identification – The 1st Stage of Ascension
In the third installment of the Pathway to Ascension Youtube videos, Almine describes the 3 phases of the first stage of Ascension – Ego Identification. Pathway to Ascension is a free online course, containing eight 30 minute video lectures and over 100 pages of written materials. Visit the free online course here. See videos one and… Continue reading→
Going Beyond Abundance and Poverty
Esetepirahet Neither abundance nor poverty exists within the Ocean of Life. When we know this, we are free.
Out-breath of God
After eons of existence, the out-breath of God is coming to an end. Listen to Almine relate this extraordinary story about the out-breath and in-breath of God, 2012 and the role of the directions. Will the change between the two breaths be cataclysmic or graceful? Almine speaks on the Dutch Onkenbaar radio show. She comes… Continue reading→
What is War?
Art by Natalia Everything that is part of separation is antagonistic to its opposite. Life is therefore at war with itself.
Mirrors Form Duality
Photo by Almine The mirror shows inverted images, therefore the way we understand these images is backwards. They should in reality, not be directional. This creates duality and separation.