Photo by Almine When we notice the simple riches of life, the perfection of a field flower, they become our own. That within us which they reflect activates into fuller expression. We cannot appreciate what we do not have within.
Photo by Almine It is in simplicity that the true riches of life are found. It can then be said that poverty is the new abundance.
Abundance in Action
Following a class in Amsterdam, a student sent this information regarding European finances and recent developments. Thank you to Marc from Belgium for sharing this with us. “First, I would like to point at what I see as a very immediate and tangible result of the work we did during the class. During the week,… Continue reading→
Abundant Life
By popular demand, the profound words of wisdom that have changed the lives of more than 15,000 daily Twitter followers, communicating in multiple languages, have been compiled into book form. Three hundred aphorisms and mandalas from the Seer Almine will delight and inspire her growing global audience.
Yoga of Abundance
Irash Satva Yoga Yoga, as a spiritual and physical discipline has been practiced in many variations by masters and novices for countless years and is universally accepted as one of the most effective development tools ever created. Man’s physical form in its original state was meant to be self-purifying, self-regenerating and self-transfiguring. Through pristine living… Continue reading→
Is it Faithless to Prepare?
Entry on Facebook
When Will the Recession End?
Q. What’s the function of this economic recession and when does it go back to normal ? A. Let’s get our terminology straight: the inflated debt society we’ve been living in, is not “normal” from any angle – to return to the pre-recession way, would be to return to abnormal. The purpose of the recession… Continue reading→
Abundance in Florida
ALMINE IN TAMPA, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 25 – 28 Almine reveals the many laws governing the flow of abundance into our lives. This information-packed weekend will provide the mystical & alchemical tools to help flourish during times of financial transition… Learn about the Gates of Abundance in the human body and how to clear them of… Continue reading→
Abundant Business
Q. Why is the business that promotes your work not solvent and prosperous, if you’ve been living principles of abundance during the past years? Continue reading→
Eternal Abundance
Many the circles that around us are drawn; the confines within which lack is born. Continue reading→