Instead of wasting energy on casting blame, winners spend it in accomplishing. This creates the opportunity for life to even the score by recompensing you.
Knocking on Doors
Do not hang back from knocking on doors before you because you do not know whether you want to enter. Wonderful surprises may lay across the threshold.
Daily Opportunities
Life presents daily doors for you to knock on. Be alert to these daily opportunities. Some may open and some may not, but knock!
Financial Doomsday Predictions
Do not lend empowerment through attention to financial doomsday predictions. Prepare for the worst and expect the best.
Families Supported by Debt
Where families have been supported by large debt structures, a necessary economic re-adjustment is to be expected. Substance must replace such hollowness.
Opening the Sluices of Cosmic Supply
Give that you may get. He who generously assists where he can, opens the sluices of cosmic supply.
Giving to Another
If you give to another, consider the extent of his need. He may need a skill, or to be put in touch with an agency or a month’s rent. Next, consider your capacity to give.
Fertility of Life
Scientists have found we entrain the Earth and vice versa. When we cultivate fertile gardens, the Earth restores our fertile abundance.
Peace and Support
Supported Expression: The recognition of limitless supply of resources. Plihararak-nechta-uves Angel: Kaashanit-hespava Deep Peace: The recognition of the self as the only being in existence. Ke-esech-aasena-blavahut Angel: Kirit-vartaa-menuvech Painting by Jeanne Temple
Flow of Abundance
Q. What am I doing to block my own abundance and myself? I would like to do so many things, but never seem to have what I need. A. We often use abundance to ‘steer us in the right direction’ as a qualifier – “I would do this if I had the money” as a… Continue reading→