Karuchpaher-uset Living from the fully conscious life of wholesome values puts substance behind our endeavors. Soulless activity is hollow and cannot support abundance.
Etsilbihar-nursta In taking time for deep meaningful living, like watching the dawn, we know our joy. Joy is the guidance system for our choices.
Achieving Abundance
Sutvaa-arsekla All successful achievers know that they write the script of the play of their lives. As they see themselves as abundant, so they become.
Work as a Cause or Effect?
Viblik-aretvrenut By doing your work with a glad heart, as a service to life, you become a cause rather than an effect.
Sophisticated Trendiness
Suthit-arsevrunu To allow ourselves to pay the over-inflated prices masquerading as sophisticated trendiness is to support self-important exploitation of society.
Haris-esklavu Would you bargain with your love, giving only as little as you can? Then why would you bargain and withhold money?
Seeing Money as Love
Arusparva-kererut Think of money as love. Give freely where you can and it will return freely.
Foundations of Prosperity
Nachpa-blavushvi Knowing the Earth to be our source of supply, and our being to be our sustenance we have established the foundations for prosperity.
Earth’s Abundance Is Our Abundance
Viselvu-nisbaret Scientists have found we entrain the Earth and vice versa. When we cultivate fertile gardens, the Earth restores our fertile abundance.
Return to Conscious Living
Kiranut-Useltra The Earth groans under the weight of refuse from prepared food containers. Returning to whole foods is not only economical, but a return to conscious living.