To speak of current events as unprecedented is a vast understatement. We may feel there is something that we can do and there is. We call forth now all Belvaspata masters to unite in an ongoing global effort to perform Kaanish Belvaspata daily. No end date is in sight, just begin when you can and continue.
Note: Kaanish has 5 levels but it’s not necessary to do all 5 levels daily; start and stop as your time permits and begin wherever you left off previously. The Wheels of Kaanish are only required to be integrated once, prior to the first time of using the protocol, but you can also complete them again if you wish. Belvaspata Angel Healing Volume 1 contains the Kaanish Belvaspata protocol (including directions). It is available as an ebook and in a paper version by contacting Tina
The call to Belvaspata masters to perform Kaanish has been made on this site many times, including this post of November 2019: How Does Kaanish Belvaspata Work? and recently in several posts on the Original Ones website.
Several inspiring (yet practical!) posts on Original Ones that we refer you to specifically are: Godhood Is Not for the Weak Minded and Be Still and Know That You are Gods. Daily use of the light explosion protocol is mentioned but also Almine reminds us: “The purpose of the Original Ones’ presence here on Earth during these times of massive destructuring (what is and what is yet to come) is not to oppose the way life unfolds, but to ameliorate it; to make it happen with more grace and less trauma.” The gift and blessings of Kaanish Belvaspata are purification and enlightenment. What better gift can we give to all life?
P.S. The Belvaspata site has moved here and also now contains Kriyavaspata Animal Healing on the site. It is a work in progress and a labor of love to update the many hyperlinks that are not redirecting properly due to many websites that no longer exist. The site no longer has a store feature but you can contact with questions related to the site and Belvaspata healing modalities, initiation, etc.
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you Jan! I will heed the call to BVP daily although I just read this today. Much love and blessings to you.
SonjaJean says
So good to hear from you Jan. I hope you are well. Thank you for your beautiful message. I am participating with Love, Praise, Gratitude and Surrendered Trust. 🙏
Jan says
Inspired by Almine, as always, my intent in posting this invitation and call is made to unite in love, praise, gratitude, surrender, trust and joy to make available the blessings of Kaanish to all life, rather than to save or fix anything or anyone.
See these posts on Original Ones, directly from Almine: The Unshakeable Conviction (03/23/2020) and The Greatest Gift of the Gods (
Whenever I perform Kaanish (and also the Light Explosions), I envision my pure alignment with Infinite Intent and the interconnectedness with all those doing the same. I see our lights shining brightly in the areas where we each live, like points of light on a map of the Earth.
Jana Cimermanova says
Thank you
Crystal Pi says
Thank you for this call, Dearest Jan. It is with Heartfelt Gratitude to Almine and the Infinite that we are Blessed with such Wonderful Tools (and each other xxx).
Sue B says
great contribution and reminder Jan – is it possible to put a SHARE button on so I can share to my BVP Group page?
Wendy says
Thank you Dearest Jan, for this new post.
All Love, Praise, and Gratitude to Thy Seer Almine for all of Her teachings.
Sara Roshan says
After our session yesterday, I felt the desire and need to do Kannish BLV on a regular basis. I’ll do my best to practice it daily. LPGT
Denise O' says
Thank you Beloved Jan for this inspiring post. 💗😇
Sharon says
I heed the call. Blessings All.
Jan says
Thank you for the comments and for the question. In all Belvaspata books, it is noted that it is not possible to receive initiation long-distance (not via skype, the phone, face-to-face videocam, etc). This information has not changed, nor been ‘updated’.
There are two valid ways to become initiated:
1. Receive initiation in person with a qualified Belvaspata master. Almine has spoken of the power of the initiate being in the physical presence of the Belvaspata master or grand master and how important it is for the initiation.
2. Perform self-initiation. The preparation work done prior to self-initiation is powerful and prepares one to receive initiation.
You can read full details of initiation in any Belvaspata book or on our Belvaspata website, click on the link above to go the ‘new address’ of Belvaspata and see the post “Initiation”, on the right side of the page. There is also a search feature on the website for looking up other topics.
All love, praise and gratitude to Almine for all the teachings she has shared with us, including the angelic healing modality of Belvaspata – and for all the masters of Belvaspata who bless themselves and others through their practice of it.
Sarah Murray says
Thank you Jan for reminding people that they cannot initiate people online. Cheers! And my gratitude to all the masters who are gathering to do this sacred, powerful and incredible work!
Vanessa says
Masters have come together in Ireland
We are all doing it the one who I have gathered with
Thankyou for this call, it will be met
Ailsa Mclean says
Thank you, dearest Jan. xxxx
Sarah Murray says
Can you get initiated in BVP over face to face video webcam? Or must it be either self intiated or in person from a BVP master?