Q: From the master Kostas in Greece:
Does my personal sound elixir translation have any black light or white light frequencies in it?
A: Because the words themselves come from the Infinite, they are beyond duality; sound elixirs are tools of duality to heal duality. To summarize, the translation represents Oneness, and just as in our other sound elixirs, Almine’s voice is manipulated by the Infinite beyond normal human ranges, it is therefore not uncommon to hear various tones and extended ranges come through her voice as she becomes a mouth piece for the Infinite.
The music however, is designed to balance opposites and cancel out specific illusions. In the case of general sound elixirs available to the public, specific illusions are targeted, whereas in Almine’s personal elixirs, general illusions in that person’s life are eliminated. In other words, the elixir heals illusion and the translation promotes oneness – two sides of one coin.
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