The distance between yourself and the man on the street is far greater than you can imagine. There is a huge difference in performing Belvaspata on yourself and the average person.
For the average person, Belvaspata offers blessings of a few moments and a glimpse of what life could be like without illusion. But if the person returns to their life situation and beliefs, the healing doesn’t hold. Daily Maintenance Belvaspata offers the extra blessings to assist the person with overcoming the illusion of their daily life, following a Belvaspata healing session. If they can put together a life of clarity by releasing old beliefs and social conditioning, then Belvaspata will be effective.
Lightworkers, when living a cutting-edge journey, bring the body into synchronized timelessness but the average person may have organs that exist in the past; for example, their kidneys holding many layers of fear may be existing in the Stone Age.
Purification as part of a healing occurs naturally as a by-product of Belvaspata; the frequencies of the sigils help to peel away the layers of illusion and to heal the emotions.
Belvaspata, if it would force a healing would be classified as ‘black magic’ because it would be manipulation. But it does not force healings – it allows the blessings of the healing to remain available to the person, should they choose to accept them.
The Healing of Chronic and Systemic Disease program creates a process of detoxification and purification. Purification kick starts emotional change. The reason it may force purification, is that the people are doing it for themselves.
The closest thing to forced purification is our sound elixirs, * but yet again if a person chooses to go back to their illusions – just like a Belvaspata healing, the illusions will over-ride the effect of the sound elixirs and the person will have to listen again and again until they choose to release and dissolve their illusions.
*Available at these sites:
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