What follows is the introduction section to Almine’s book The Way of the Toltec Nagual. Enjoy!
In mastering the seven gates of dreaming, Toltecs have uncovered deep secrets of existence. For even as they studied the four deep stages of sleep and the three shallow ones, the microcosmic role of man taught them that life itself had been through similar stages. Creation was conceived as part of the Infinite’s dream. But as life awakened from its slumber and eventually the Infinite’s dream ended, all individuated creations exited the dream. In the twinkling of an eye, all life was re-created as real. This meant that it was no longer made from the building blocks of life; it was no longer a pot made from the potter’s clay. It became part of the potter; part of the one real element that contains all light, frequency, awareness, life-force, energy and power within it: holy incorruptible matter. Since October 2008 we have become part of the Infinite’s Being.
In August 2006, while still in the dream, the cosmic poles reversed, shattering the moving spirals of awareness and fundamentally altering the nature of polarity. The world of the Toltec Warrior was turned upside down as many of the laws he had based his conduct on became obsolete. Even something as elementary as compassion took on a whole different meaning.
Other than their dedication to truth, nothing has prepared the Toltecs for the even larger changes that took place as life left the Infinite’s dream space and became real. We dare not look back. To do so does not serve life. All is newly created and new precepts await discovery. There are 96 levels of teachings pertaining to the new Toltec precepts. This book reveals but one of them. There are 144 levels of information to master the DNA activations that create a potent supply of power and awareness for the Toltecs’ impeccable use. Once again, we share but one of them. The ancient Toltec mystical secrets of the human body are a gateway made available to humanity at the dawn of a great renaissance of spiritual awakening.
“Kanesh viva uheres stavavi”’
May the truth ring in your heart.
With dedication,
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